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6 Social Media Updates That Turn Off Recruiters

Drinking, drugging and sex are all no-nos

Young women social networking with tongue out
Getty Images
By Hannah Morgan

Employers will scope you out online at some point during the screening and hiring process. What you consider hidden behind a curtain of privacy may not be. Your personal status updates may be impacting your ability to land your next job. Keep your discussions free from these damaging mentions.

1. Just say no to drugs. Referencing illegal drugs is the most damaging thing you can do to your job search. According to Jobvite's 2013 Social Recruiting Survey, more than 80 percent of recruiters said seeing mentions of illegal drugs in a candidate's social updates left a negative impression. Stay away from any mention of drugs, even if you're joking, or run the risk of ruining your reputation.

2. Sex sells, but not in a job search. Next in line for topics to avoid are tweets or posts of a sexual nature. While it may be funny to your friends, that joking status update or tweet is most likely offensive to others and damaging. You wouldn't dare send that joke, photo or link in an email to your boss, so keep it out of your social networking stream.

3. Don't drink and share. We all know that drinking and driving don't mix. The same holds true for sharing photos or status updates about that great party or overindulging Saturday night bash and your job search. These types of updates may not be as harmful as the others mentioned, however, you still want to keep your stream alcohol-free.

4. Swear at your own peril. Employers have little tolerance for the use of profanity online. According to Jobvite, 65 percent of recruiters viewed status updates containing profanity negatively, putting it in the top three things not to do. Profanity is unprofessional, offensive and wouldn't be tolerated in most workplaces. As old fashioned as this may sound, keep your language clean.

5. Spelling counts. You may think your status update doesn't need to be typo-free, but spelling and grammar do matter. A quick scan of error-ridden updates either shows a lack of attention to detail or poor writing skills. In fact, the recent study notes: "More recruiters react negatively to profanity (65%) and grammar and punctuation errors in posts/tweets (61%) than references to alcohol use (47%)."

6. Guns aren't good either. People's attitudes about gun ownership and usage vary widely. Where someone lives and whether he or she is rural or urban may also impact how they perceive guns. You should know that most hiring entities negatively view references to guns, so conceal those weapons.

Invasive or pervasive?
Some may say that employers shouldn't be allowed to scrutinize private or personal updates on social networks. And some feel that it isn't fair to evaluate personal lives to determine professional qualifications. We are crossing into new territory where your lifestyle and perceived professionalism are both fair game if you put it out there on social networking sites. In the survey, almost half of the recruiters and hiring entities said they have reconsidered a candidate based on content viewed in a social profile, leading to both positive and negative re-assessments.
Instead of viewing this as pervasive, embrace the opportunity to publicly promote the best you have to offer. Include references to nonprofit organizations you support and activities you're involved in to highlight your assets.
Just remember, we don't all live in Vegas where what's said there stays there. Be smart and aware about what you are sharing online and know that someone is checking you out. Don't give them reason to turn away.

Crazy Things People Say To Their Bosses Without Getting Fired

Amazing stories of people who got away with it

C6XRE1 Portrait of an angry businessman at his laptop, on gray background
Even the best of us have fantasized about saying ridiculously inappropriate things to our bosses. Most of the time, the threat of unemployment stops us, but this isn't the case for everyone.

A recent Quora thread asked the question:

What is the craziest thing you have ever said to your boss, with or without getting fired?

Below are some of the (unverified) testimonies:
Sending an inappropriate instant message.

An anonymous user on Quora accidentally sent "F--- you" to a superior instead of a friend.

Didn't realize this initially but when my friend didn't reply back, I looked at the open chat window and gazed in horror. Seconds later, she looked at me, I had this look of terror, explained it to her that it was not intended for her and pinged it to her by mistake. She didn't say anything, and when nothing happened over the next few hours, I relaxed and things went back to normal and I still had my job.

Quoting a Pink Floyd song.

Before personal computers became a must-have accessory, Jay Bazzinotti was 26 years old and working as the manager of the business unit at a high-tech company. After their modems failed to work properly for an oil company, he was flown from Boston to the west coast as the "sacrificial lamb [his company] would send to the slaughter." He would meet with the senior vice president who "had the power to overthrow third world countries or have people killed."

Here is how he described the experience:

Finally the door opened and the SVP came in. A hush fell over the room. Here was a man that everyone in that room feared and respected. You could feel the power and electricity coming from him as he strode in.

The SVP opened the meeting as if it were a legal proceeding, reading a summary of the problem and all the actions taken to date, emphasizing our failure to solve it. As he got into it he became angrier and angrier. He started pounding the table and he got red as he spoke of how much time and money had been wasted and spoke of "fraud" and "malfeasance" and "misrepresentation". All of this vitriol was directed at me. He was further insulted that our company had the nerve to send me, of all people, not even a VP. Finally he pointed at me and said in a harsh voice, "If you can't fix this problem today, right now, around town your name isn't going to be worth squat!"

And then, without even thinking, I said, "Around town it was well known that when they got home at night their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them within inches of their lives"

Then he stopped.

"Wait a minute," he said, "I know that line..."

"Yes," I whispered, "It's from Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' album."

He said, "I knew that. You like Pink Floyd?"

"Yes," I said, "It's my favorite group."

"Mine too," he said, suddenly smiling and getting up, "I saw the 'Wall' concert in LA in 1980. It was fantastic! I even caught one of Gilmour's guitar picks. I have it framed in my office with the ticket stubs. Come on, I'll show you!"

The SVP ended up giving the high-tech company a few more weeks to solve the problem, which they successfully did.

Calling him crazy, narcissistic, juvenile, crude, sexist...

In the late '90s when entrepreneur Scott Dunlap was working as a product/marketing executive, he had the following exchange with his boss:

Boss: Make it happen.

Me: What you're asking us to do is physically impossible given the constrains of today's technology.

Boss: Maybe you didn't hear me...I told you to make it happen.

Me: I get that you are holding the bar high for us, but this is crazy. In fact, you are crazy. You are narcissistic, juvenile, crude, conniving, sexist, and lacking any ethical boundaries whatsoever. You are crazy! Yet somehow you consider that combination of attributes to be your leadership style. You are seriously fucked up, like, in a need-a-strait-jacket sort of way.

Boss: [pause] You forgot "rich".

He went on to the next meeting with a smile.

Promising a do-or-die solution.

When Prameet Kamat, a manager for DuPont, was a 22-year-old chemical salesman, one of his bigger accounts complained that the fabric he sold them changed its pH balance and smelled like a "combination of rotten eggs and dying fish":

[The plant head] came out to meet me holding yards of printed fabric "Your product has ruined an important shipment for me! this fabric stinks!" and by god, it did. It stank of a combination of rotten eggs and dying fish. "I have got a 100,000 units of this - " "Is this the guy from that damn company?" Louise stormed in - cigarette dangling and as tall as a skyscraper "I am going to SUE you guys - I am losing 900,000 Euros on this shipment alone! Get out and fix this or you are not going to leave this plant."

I walked around the shop floor for the four loneliest hours of my life. Changing temperatures, chemical dosages and whatever else I could try. I must have looked a sight muttering to myself, looking under equipment runs, taking pH at different points. And the fabric line just kept humming. And stinking. It was late afternoon and it started to finally to get better, and the smell had come down to a mildly unpleasant odor instead of knocking you out. I still didn't know what I got right, but at least something was working.

It was then that I said it - the six words that were either going to be genius or put me in prison. "Put them out in the sun." He blinked at me. "Wot!" I don't know what made me say it - the green sunny lawns that I could see from the windows probably. But I knew it was the dumbest thing I could have said.

Luckily his plan worked and the plant head didn't think the garment smelled after being laid out in the sun for two hours. Whether the ridiculous operation worked or not is a different story:

I might have looked calm or whatever but honestly I just couldn't say anything. I just wanted to collapse. I took the fabric to smell it for myself but honestly I can't say if I smelled anything or not. I had smelled a ton of that fabric day and my nasal sense was dead as a doornail.

Banging on the desk and flipping out.

Lucia Lu had a direct boss who liked to play with things he found on his employees' desks. One morning, he picked up a notebook and started reading it aloud. When this user realized it was her notebook, she asked her boss to give it back. He said "no." Here's what happened next:

Before I even realized it I banged the desk and flipped out: "GIVE IT BACK!"

He stared at me and silently handed it back to me. Strangely, I wasn't even mad at him. I think I was just over annoyed at that point. I do get over-protective of my possessions, especially one that I constantly write who-remember-what in.

Humiliating the boss during a sales meeting.

In 1987, when user Chuck Block was a young stockbroker, he worked for a "sleazy and obnoxious" sales manager.

During a sales meeting he asked if anyone knew where the largest oil reserves in the world were located. I suggested that they were located in his wardrobe. He didn't fire me but when I left the firm he enforced my employment agreement which cost my new firm some money. Back then employment agreements were very rarely enforced when a rookie left for another firm. I think that was his way of retaliating.

Flextime Isn't Just For Mommies (20-Something Guys Need It, Too!)

Flextime gives talent what they need most: Time to pursue dream

Photo by Lindsay RobinsonNick at his day job where flextime lets him pursue his dream of becoming a sports broadcaster.
I am a typical flextime user. As a mom, I need to be able to adjust my work schedule to accommodate things like picking my kids up from after-school activities, etc. As a result, I made flextime part of the benefit package at my company (it's good to be the boss!). My employees work a 40-hour week in the office, but are given the ability to adjust their schedule for activities like doctor appointments, events they want to attend, and other things important to work-life balance.

Surprisingly, of all the staff members, it happens to be one young guy in our office that uses the flextime the most...

Meet Nick, Office Professional & Sports Broadcaster!
Photo by Brianna HealyNick announcing a minor league hockey game and fulfilling his dream!

I've known Nick ever since he did an internship with me years ago. Recently, when I shared we were hiring, Nick mentioned he'd love to join us, but he was looking for a job that would let him continue to pursue his passion: sports broadcasting. It's what he went to school for. He currently has a part-time gig as an announcer for a minor league hockey team. Thus, in order for him to do his job for us and keep the broadcasting job, he needed flextime. Imagine how thrilled he was to hear that it wouldn't be an issue.

Offering Flextime Is Smart Business, Here's Why...

I can sit and tell you all the great benefits of offering flextime to workers. But, I think it's much better if you hear it first-hand from Nick himself.

Here's what he had to say:

Nick, why is flextime vital to being a young sports broadcaster?

Sports broadcasting by nature has a volatile schedule. In addition to the uneven dispersal of hours required, it isn't a well-paying job until you reach the highest levels. If you don't have the opportunity to work for a team full-time, you need additional income to stay afloat. Not to mention, you need the right skills to hack it in the real world in case broadcasting doesn't pan out. However, it's not always easy to get a job outside of the sports world that will allow the flexibility necessary to pursue the dream.

Unlike many of the other dedicated sports broadcasters out there (especially, younger ones), I'm lucky to have another job that is both flexible and brings home a decent paycheck. I can actually develop as a professional outside of the booth, instead of being stuck in a dead-end job. I know that whenever I've called my last game (whether that's in two years or 20), I can be prepared for a sustainable career. It certainly won't hurt that I'll already know what type of workplace environment to look for either.

How does flextime work for you?

Since I leave early on Fridays, I have to make the time up somewhere. I come in early on other days and stay late too, but I don't feel any less productive or happy during the long days. The "short" days are a nice break hours-wise, and they allow me to focus even more on providing value at work before my week is over. It's like training for a marathon by having some workouts with long runs, and others with sprints. Nobody runs 26 miles every day leading up to the race.

Why is it important that the culture (and fellow co-workers!) support your use of flextime?

Working at a company that allows flex time gives me the assurance that I can have a side job that keeps me happy and have a stable paycheck to go with it. I don't think it's a coincidence that I enjoy my full-time job even more than I originally expected, because flex time is one of the many arrows in my boss' quiver that creates a great work environment.

Knowing that my boss and co-workers are okay with (and even encourage) me using flextime makes it easier to feel comfortable in the office and get more work done. I don't waste any time when I'm in, because I know that the biggest worry in my career (my pay) is taken care of. That takes the pressure off when I'm in the booth, which makes it easier to be the best broadcaster I can be.

Nick has been a great addition to our team.

As a manager, do I worry that he might eventually leave us?

No, because I expect it. Every job is temporary. I can't worry about the future. At least right now, I get a hard-working, passionate employee who is grateful for his job. As an employer, that's the best you can hope for.

What's your experience with flextime? Does your company offer it as a benefit? If so, how are you using it to be a happier, more productive contributor to your company?

National Boss Day: 9 Ways To Impress Your Manager

Scientifically-proven strategies to boost your standing

Businessman with megaphone making coworkers do pushups
Getty Images
The ability to impress your boss is a major determining factor in your success, as well as your happiness and productivity at work.Whether you get along with your boss or not, you need to show them you're capable of greatness.

We looked through the latest research to find science-based strategies to help you seem like a better and more cooperative employee and, in turn, make your boss happier.

In celebration of National Boss Day, here's a list of proven ways to wow your boss.

9. Wear red to show you're 'focused, committed, and trustworthy.'

According to a study published in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research in 2012, waitresses wearing red earned more money.

If you want to persuade or impress someone in the office, you could try wearing a powerful shade of red. The color makes others view you as someone who's "focused, committed, and trustworthy," said Kenny Frimpong, brand marketing and development manager at high-end Italian clothing store Eredi Pisano.

"We've been in business for about 15 years, and we encourage most of our clients to wear red."

8. Wake up earlier.

If you want to impress your boss, get to the office early.

Although studies show that night owls tend to be smarter and more creative than morning types, those who wake up early have better job performance, greater career success, and higher wages.

People who wake up early are typically also happier, healthier, and have higher satisfaction compared to their friends who prefer the night life, according to a study conducted by the University of Toronto.

Being happier also means that you'll be more productive at your job and easier to work with.

7. Wear makeup

Professional women who wear makeup are viewed as more competent and likeable than those who go au naturel, according to one study funded by makeup manufacturer Procter & Gamble.

6. Exude 'executive presence.'

If you want to impress your superiors, you need to show that you have leadership potential.

What does this mean? One study by non-profit research organization Center for Talent Innovation said that having "executive presence" comes down to exuding confidence, calmness under pressure, and decisiveness. Executive presence also counts for 26% of what it takes to get that promotion.

5. Don't negotiate face-to-face.

If you want to impress your boss with your negotiating skills, do it through a virtual medium, according to one British study. Face-to-face interactions won't benefit you, since you're not the more powerful person in the situation.

Basically, the more powerful you are, the more you'll get out of in-person meetings. This could also possibly be the reason why some employees won't speak up in meetings with their bosses or why brainstorming sessions result in a list full of ideas from only the leader.

4. Make them think your idea was theirs all along.

Want to wow your boss with your ideas? Get them to believe it was theirs all along, said author Douglas Van Praet in his book "Unconscious Branding." This way, your boss will have you work on ideas that you believe in because the ideas were yours to begin with.

Van Praet wrote:

"The brain doesn't always clearly differentiate between something real and something imagined. Our imagination and our perception of the real world are closely linked since both functions engage similar neural circuitry. Numerous scientific studies confirm that visualization and mental imagery enhances actual physical performance, demonstrating the very real benefits of mental rehearsal. If you can get someone to imagine something vividly enough, you are well on your way to making the suggestion real.

"When you imagine something it transforms the message from a universal one to a uniquely personal concept, and not an attempt at external manipulation."

If you can convince someone that an idea is related to them on a personal level, they will have an even greater commitment to that idea.

3. Think twice before helping someone else at work.

When you help someone else, you may feel good about yourself, but a study conducted by German and Swiss researchers found that it doesn't actually help your work performance. In fact, the study said that "participants who requested help with a task performed better, while those who supplied assistance did worse."

Why? Most likely because you're interrupted while doing your own work. If this happens frequently enough, you'll end up suffering from "cognitive load."

Yes, you might be building connections with your coworkers as you show them the ropes, but it's important to make sure you're on top of your own duties.

2. Smile a lot.

"If you smile enough, your body eventually thinks that work isn't so bad," writes Meredith Lepore at Levo League, and you'll become a more pleasant person to be around.

So the next time you and your boss are dealing with a difficult situation, you should smile, said Dr. Carol Kinsey Goman, the author of 12 books, including "The Silent Language of Leaders: How Body Language Can Help-or Hurt-How You Lead."

Kinsey Goman said that this is the fundamental idea of faking it until you make it, since you are tricking your body into thinking that the task isn't difficult.

1. Have sex at least four times a week.

Impress your boss by being a happy, calm person - no matter what. How do you do this? One strategy is to have sex at least four times per week.

According to a paper titled "The Effect of Sexual Activity on Wages," published by the Institute for the Study of Labor in Bonn, Germany, having sex regularly each week may result in higher self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness, which in turn makes employees more amiable, productive, and creative.

Sex is the "barometer for health, quality of life, well-being, and happiness," the study said.

The study found that sex can be an important factor in how satisfied someone is in their personal life, and satisfaction in that area can affect work as well.

11 common interview questions that are actually illegal

By Vivian Giang, Business Insider
During job interviews, employers will try to gather as much information about you as possible, mostly through perfectly legal questioning, but sometimes through simple yet illegal questions. It's up to the interviewee to recognize these questions for what they are.
Any questions that reveal your age, race, national origin, gender, religion, marital status and sexual orientation are off-limits.
"State and federal laws make discrimination based on certain protected categories, such as national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, disabilities, arrest and conviction record, military discharge status, race, gender or pregnancy status, illegal," Lori Adelson, a labor and employment attorney and partner with law firm Arnstein & Lehr, tells Business Insider. "Any question that asks a candidate to reveal information about such topics without the question having a job-related basis will violate the various state and federal discrimination laws.
"However, if the employer states questions so that they directly relate to specific occupational qualifications, then the questions may be legitimate. Clearly, the intent behind the question needs to be examined."
If you are asked any inappropriate questions, Adelson advises not to lie, but, instead, politely decline to answer. "Could they not give you a job because of that? Sure. But if they do, they would be doing exactly what they're not supposed to do."
We compiled the following illegal interview questions that are often mistaken as appropriate from Adelson and Joan K. Ustin & Associates, a consultant firm specializing in human resources and organization development.
1. Have you ever been arrested?
An employer can't legally ask you about your arrest record, but they can ask if you've ever been convicted of a crime. Depending on the state, a conviction record shouldn't automatically disqualify you for employment unless it substantially relates to your job. For example, if you've been convicted of statutory rape and you're applying for a teaching position, you will probably not get the job.
2. Are you married?
Although the interviewer may ask you this question to see how much time you'd be able to commit to your job, it's illegal because it reveals your marital status and can also reveal your sexual orientation.
3. What religious holidays do you practice?
Employers may want to ask you this to see if your lifestyle interferes with work schedules, but this question reveals your religion and that's illegal. They can ask you if you're available to work on Sundays.
4. Do you have children?
It is unlawful to deny someone employment if they have children or if they are planning on having children in the future. If the employer wants to find out how committed you will be to your job, they should ask questions about your work. For example, "What hours can you work?" or "Do you have responsibilities other than work that will interfere with specific job requirements such as traveling?"
5. What country are you from?
If you have an accent, this may seem like an innocent question, but it's illegal because it involves your national origin. Employers can't legally inquire about your nationality, but they can ask if you're authorized to work in a certain country.
6. Is English your first language?
It's not the employers' lawful right to know whether a language is your first language. In order to find out language proficiency, employers can ask you what other languages you read, speak or write fluently.
7. Do you have any outstanding debt?
Employers must have permission before asking about your credit history. Similar to a criminal background history, they can't disqualify you from employment unless it directly affects your ability to perform the position you're interviewing for. Furthermore, they can't ask you how well you balance your personal finances or inquire about you owning property.
8. Do you socially drink?
Employers cannot ask about your drinking habits, because it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For example, if you're a recovering alcoholic, treatment of alcoholism is protected under this act, and you don't have to disclose any disability information before landing an official job offer.
9. When was the last time you used illegal drugs?
It's illegal for employers to ask you about past drug addiction, but they can ask you if you're currently using illegal drugs. A person who is currently using drugs is not protected under ADA. For example, an employer may ask you: "Do you currently use illegal drugs? What illegal drugs have you used in the past six months?"
10. How long have you been working?
This question allows employers to guess your age, which is unlawful. Similarly, they can't ask you what year you graduated from high school or college or even your birthday. However, they can ask you how long you've been working in a certain industry.
11. What type of discharge did you receive in the military?
This is not appropriate for the interviewer to ask you, but they can ask what type of education, training or work experience you've received while in the military.

5 secrets to climbing the ladder faster

CEOs and other top execs share tips for getting where you want to be
Beth Braccio Hering, Special to CareerBuilder

Sometimes getting from where you are to where you'd like to be career-wise can seem like a daunting task. While time and experience certainly help, there are other actions that can speed the process along. 

Here, executives in a variety of fields share their tips on how to move up the ladder a bit faster.

Accumulate knowledge
"Knowledge is power," states Linda Matzigkeit, senior vice president of strategic planning and human resources for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. "You need to read about your industry, know what people are doing and keep your edge on innovation."Anthony Leone, founder of Energy Kitchen, a restaurant franchise based in New York City, agrees. "Learn as much as you possibly can in your chosen field. Become such an asset to your company that the owners tell themselves, 'We cannot live without this person.'" He further suggests asking your boss what skills would most benefit the company, then going out and learning them "to the point that they just roll off your tongue, like your phone number." 

Know how to ask questions
Armed with a solid understanding of their field, workers who gain attention are ones who know how to ask appropriate questions.
"Asking good questions is an art," states Elizabeth Sobol, managing director of IMG Artists, North America. "I will be much more impressed if you ask me good ones than if you talk over me, trying to show me how much you know."
Similarly, employees should not worry that asking questions is a sign of ineptitude. "Do not be afraid to admit that you do not understand something," says Robert Stack, president and CEO of Community Options Inc., a national nonprofit organization that develops homes and employment for people with disabilities. "There is nothing wrong with not knowing; it is not asking or pretending to understand that always seems to have negative ramifications."

Think outside yourself
People who move up quickly are often ones who are good at examining the needs and goals of the company as a whole, not just in their own particular niche. Matzigkeit says that because her field (health care) is very specialized, it is easy to get deep in your own area. "In order to advance and truly identify ways you can have continued impact in an organization, you need to get connected to the big picture. Only then can you develop your skills, broaden your exposure and find ways to apply your transferable skills."
For managers looking to advance, Randy Murphy -- president and CEO of the restaurant franchise Mama Fu's Asian House -- suggests wandering around. "Have a presence in your store, and always know what is going on with your guests, employees and overall operations." He also notes that ambitious employees should always be looking for their own replacement. "Develop and train those under you so the team overall does better and so that you have a quality replacement to free you up for promotion to the next level."

Give it your all
Of course one of the best ways to gain notice is to be a solid performer. "If you execute flawlessly, you will have a solid reputation, which will allow you to network into the right circles," states Brian Curin, president of the footwear chain Flip Flop Shops.
"Go beyond the job description," Stack adds. "If you are a person who is supposed to help persons with disparities find jobs, then work extra hours and get creative. If you are supposed to help with fundraising, go out of your way to ask someone you do not know for support. Always be a little early, and always ask you manager what you can do that means a little extra."

Let your passion shine through
Doing all of these things, from learning as much as possible about a field to regularly giving 100 percent, can involve a great deal of time and effort. Some employees will look at these challenges as obstacles to overcome in order to get ahead. Others will view them with enthusiasm because they truly have a passion for their field. Guess who usually moves up faster?
Sobol says that she is impressed by people "who are fascinated by our business and are clearly always trying to learn and understand more about it," adding that "it is not hard to glean who is doing it out of genuine interest and who is not, so don't try to fake it!"
For those who lack that passion, maybe it's time to consider looking for a new ladder to climb. The rungs might not seem so hard to navigate when the journey upward is already enjoyable.

How to get noticed by recruiters

By Robert Half International
Whether you're about to start a new job search, or you're a passive job seeker who likes to keep tabs on potential opportunities, a recruiter can be a valuable ally.

Recruiters can enhance your job search by helping you broaden your network, providing job leads you wouldn't otherwise hear about and offering background on prospective employers. In addition, recruiters are an excellent source of career guidance and information. They can offer interview tips, salary data, résumé advice and other suggestions to help you improve your marketability. And once an employer makes an offer, the recruiter becomes a valuable go-between in helping you and the prospective employer reach a mutually satisfying agreement.

But getting noticed by a recruiter for the right reasons is key. Regardless of the type of relationship you're looking to forge with a recruiter, here are some guidelines that will earn you a place on a recruiter's go-to list:

Work with a specialist. A specialized recruitment company boasts more industry-specific opportunities and contacts than a generalist company. As a result, a specialist company is more likely to excel at helping you accurately assess your marketability and identify openings that are a good match for your skills and preferences.

Trust the recruiter. The time to thoroughly vet your recruiter is before you engage with him. Take your time screening potential recruiters, checking out their reputation and talking through any questions or concerns you might have about how you'll work together.
Once you agree to let someone act as your advocate, step back and trust the person to do so without undue second-guessing. Remember that recruiters have a vested interest in ensuring an all-around good fit, so have faith in their ability and desire to help you find the right situation and reach a satisfying agreement.

Honesty is always the best policy. Recruiters are busy and appreciate candor. If you're unlikely to consider a job change, say so. Don't string the recruiter along just to hear what's going on in the job market.
On the other hand, if you're actively working with a recruiter, make sure the person has all the necessary information to represent you properly. This includes being honest about what you're looking for in a new job and your salary expectations.
Also, if you're trying to set up a job interview on your own through your contacts, mention this. It would be embarrassing for the recruiter to recommend you for a job that you're already pursuing.

Be helpful. If a recruiter unexpectedly contacts you about an opportunity that you're not interested in, consider whether you know someone else who might be. Recruiters love to be referred to good prospects, and the fact that they can say, "Joe Smith said I should get in touch with you" helps break down barriers to new candidates. Furthermore, you never know when something could change with your employment situation. By being polite and helpful, you'll be in a position to enlist the recruiter's help, should you need it in the future.

Spare them the extras. Recruiters appreciate job seekers who are respectful of their time and needs. They know exactly what they're looking for in candidates and how to assess a possible fit with a role, so let them ask questions and answer them concisely. They don't need to hear your life history.
In addition, don't tell them to check out your professional networking profiles, instead of offering a formal résumé. And don't try to friend them on more social-oriented sites such as Facebook. They need to learn about your skills and accomplishments, not your favorite bands or movies.

Stay engaged. Keep in mind that finding the right position doesn't always happen right away. That's why it's essential you remain an active participant in your job search.
Back up the recruiter's efforts by reviewing notifications of new openings from the recruitment firm. You might see a position that interests you that your recruiter has not yet considered. By staying informed about the job market and checking in regularly with your recruiter, you'll demonstrate that you're committed to working together to reach a good outcome.
Although staying in touch is important -- especially returning emails and phone calls promptly -- don't call or email the individual every day. There's a difference between being proactive and being a pest.
Recruiters love an easy sell, and who can blame them? Candidates who do all the right things make the recruiter's job much easier. By observing some of these fundamental rules of interaction, you're more likely to land at the top of a recruiter's dream list.

Do hiring managers consider social-media recommendations?

social media recommendations
Social media have become an integral part of the job search, both for job seekers and hiring managers. It’s now common practice for job seekers to use social-networking websites such as LinkedIn to market themselves and for hiring managers to use these sites to research potential candidates before making contact.
But how influential are these networking sites in the hiring process, particularly the recommendations, endorsements and other social-media tools? Hiring managers, recruiters and employers were asked if they consider social-media recommendations in the hiring process, and their answers may surprise you.

Yes, these sites and tools can offer important insight
Not only are professional-networking sites a great way for hiring managers to get to know more about candidates, but they’re also helpful for learning about their working relationships with others. “Do I care about social-media recommendations? Absolutely,” says Jenson Crawford, senior manager of software engineering at “I use LinkedIn to see what recommendations a candidate has and who they are from. [The] positives are when their recommendations are from both supervisors and co-workers.”
Crawford says that if the job seeker is applying for a management position, he also looks for recommendations from the people who reported to the candidate. “The negatives are if the recommendations are one-sided — lots of recommendations from co-workers, but none from supervisors. Social-media recommendations are not the only data that I use, but they are an important tool in helping me make an informed decision about a candidate quickly.”
These sites can also be an important screening tool for hiring managers. “As a human-resources leader, I often would have hiring managers check applicants online before committing to interview them,” says Lisa Chenofsky Singer, an executive career management and leadership coach with Chenofsky Singer & Associates. “When they searched candidates and a LinkedIn profile appeared, many have called their mutual connection to see what they thought of the candidate. This is a common practice.”

Somewhat; these sites can give mixed messages about a job seeker
Most hiring managers, recruiters, employers and professionals believe that these sites can be a good supplemental tool in researching candidates but shouldn’t solely be relied upon to make a decision. However, these professional profiles can tell a hiring manager a lot about a candidate in other ways. “I don’t think it is necessary that someone have dozens of recommendations, but if someone doesn’t have any, it could be a red flag,” says Megan Fox, career coach and résumé writer.Employers may jump to conclusions that the candidate doesn’t build good relationships within the workplace, or perhaps leave jobs on bad terms.”
Recommendations aren’t the only part of your profile employers are looking at either. “My business partner and I hire contractors on a rolling basis, and while we may take a glance at who’s a ‘recommended’ candidate via LinkedIn, it’s not a big deciding factor for us,” says Joan Barrett, owner of The Content Factory, a company that specializes in online marketing, social media and web content. “However, we do look at profiles when hiring, especially when it is for our social-media department.”

Barrett looks for the following things when viewing profiles:
1. Clever, clean and error-free updates.
2. A presence on sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Quora.
3. Consistent interaction.
4. Updated profiles.
“I suspect that we will start looking more at LinkedIn recommendations as time goes on,” Barrett continues “It’s a great alternative to calling a list of references and hoping that the person you’re speaking to is actually the candidate’s former boss and not just a former roommate from 2005. What’s also useful is checking out if we have any mutual friends and connections, because we can contact those individuals and ask their opinion of them, if appropriate. That’s beneficial no matter what position we’re hiring for.”

No, these sites can misrepresent a candidate
Some hiring managers and HR professionals don’t necessarily believe that a robust networking page is a good indicator of a job seeker’s capabilities. “I never use recommendations or endorsements from LinkedIn or other social-media sites,” says Cindy Smith, HR manager at Kyriba, a company that offers cloud-based, treasury management solutions. “The reason is because they are typically a reciprocal agreement: ‘I’ll write something nice about you if you write something nice about me.’ For HR professionals, these endorsements carry about as much weight when it comes to endorsing a person as a ‘Like’ on Facebook or a Twitter follower and are often little more than an online popularity contest. I view a personal recommendation from a close colleague or co-worker — who would also be willing to speak in depth about their strengths and weaknesses — as infinitely more credible than a brief social-media recommendation.”
The bottom line? While a personal-networking profile and supplemental tools such as recommendations and endorsements can show the time and effort you’ve put into your career, they won’t replace cover letters, résumés and interviews anytime soon.

What You Need To Do To Impress The Employer

impress hiring managerBy Vickie Elmer

Some people want to work for Google more than anything. Others are smitten with 72 and Sunny or Leo Burnett and some are gunning to get a job at Glassdoor or Quora.

Anyone with just two or three employers on their A-list of targets needs a smart strategy to show they're sweet on those companies. Whether you're first connecting around Valentine's Day, Cinco de Mayo or Labor Day, you may woo an employer, hiring manager or recruiter for months or sometimes years. So persistence and professionalism must fit in with inventiveness in your campaign.

Perhaps you will send the hiring manager or recruiter chocolates with a note saying, "I'd really love to work for you just before Valentine's Day." That could get some attention, especially if she's a chocoholic. "But some people might get creeped out" by that, said Laura Laser, an executive recruiter in the advertising world and president of Laser Talent Group in Los Angeles.

Before you start your campaign, check out the person's online profiles and presence to find out as much as you can about her or him. Discover their hobbies and interests and check on Amazon or Goodreads to see if you share an appreciation for particular kinds of books, said Laser.
Her all-time favorite way a client connected with her involves her little dog, Livvy, who sometimes comes to work and shows up on her profile photo. She was in the middle of a Skype interview with a creative director / job candidate when the pooch decided to join in. Livvy jumped into her lap and the job seeker used Skype to take a photo of them. Then he painted the dog's picture and sent it to the recruiter.

"It was just amazing that he did that," Laser said. "How could I not love that guy?" She's told other recruiters about him and shares the story regularly as an example of the "thoughtful extra things" that can really create a bond or make you stand out.

Even if you couldn't paint a wall, you still can show your targeted recruiters and managers that you're sweet on them. Here's six ways:

1. Be a standout. Use humor or say something clever in your email subject line -- or both. Recruiters receive a lot of email each day. Laser remembered one that was funny and "real' starting with the subject: "Recruiting you to recruit me." The person mentioned that he had trekked through Peru and ended the note with, "If you like what you see, please contact me and we can talk more. If you don't like what you see, contact me and we can talk more."

2. Get introduced by someone. "Ask a mutual connection to make a recommendation on your behalf," she suggests.
3. Retweet their best. Follow the recruiter, hiring manager and the company on Twitter. Then, find something worthwhile to retweet occasionally, in hopes that that will lead them to your profile. (Make sure your online profile conveys your professionalism and brand, and while you're at it, check your Facebook page so it's squeaky clean.)

4. Share relevant ideas. This can work well if the company targeted has some widely known growth plans or a problem it is grappling with. You will need to invest some time and analysis to offer something of value, and then present it succinctly, perhaps via a SlideShare or PowerPoint, Laser said.

5. Bring them coffee and cookies. This works well at career fairs or corporate events, where a recruiter may be stuck in a chair all day long. Just learn ahead of time whether they're vegan or dieting; this often can be discerned by their Facebook or MeetUps.

6. Persist politely. It may take three or more emails, notes and connections before they recognize your name and your value. Your dedication to the company and to regular connections could be part of what shows your appreciation and your talent.

Make sure you don't cross over into annoying or ridiculous. Nor do you want to come off as a stalker by showing up at the school play where the recruiter's children are performing -- unless of course, your niece is also in the cast.

How To Dress For Success In Your Next Interview

Dress for interview

By Vickie Elmer

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." -- Mark Twain

Mark Twain forgot to mention accessories, from glasses to belt and even your coat, can make you appear to be a winner, a leader, a standout -- or else someone who's stuck in decades old items. Your suit may seem fine to you, but the HR manager across from you is wondering why you are wearing something so outdated or ill-fitting.

And while professionalism is crucial for job interviews and networking events, it does not mean boring. "Show a little personality. It's about having you come alive," said Jayne Mattson, senior vice president of Keystone Associates, who helps people explore career options and transitions.

If you're unsure which pieces work for you and convey professionalism, ask a friend to shop with you -- and choose one who has a good eye and a professional job. Or, head to Nordstrom or a fashion blog or magazine to see what suits your personality and the industry in which you want to work, Mattson said. Or, create a list of items that will dress up and update your job hunt in 2013 and send it out to Aunt Helen or your brothers right away.

Here's some more advice on how to dress for success, whether you're headed to a job interview or an important networking event:

1. Go Fashionable.
"We're in more of a fashionista period," said Mattson, who is proud of her fashionable taste. So you don't want your jewelry or your shoes to shout "purchased in 1999." More chunky jewelry looks stylish, so it's great to choose a bigger earring or necklace. Watches are in vogue again, so wearing one with a smidgen of sparkle is fine. Just don't go too far on the jewelry or watch; in an interview, you want the focus to be on you and what you're saying, not how amazing or unusual your accessories are, she said.

2. Add Color.
"Color in your wardrobe is one way for you to stand out," said Mattson. She recalled a recent Keystone event, where most of the 100 people in the audience were job seekers. "I saw all dark colors," blacks and grays, with no one showing the verve of a red or blue shirt or blouse. A splash of color would have made the wearer much more visible.

3. Go for New Glasses.
Since they sit right on your face, the right frames can make you seem clever and contemporary -- or the opposite. If yours are outdated, replace them, and this goes for men as well as women, she said.

4. Pick a Pen.
"Buy your interview or your job seeker pen," the Keystone executive suggests. That way during the interview, when you jot down some notes, you won't be brandishing a chewed up Bic or worse, writing with one that promotes whirlpool spas. It doesn't have to be silver plated or super expensive, but it should look and feel good.

5. Add a Belt or a Broach.
Maybe you will choose a vintage piece of jewelry, or a bold colored portfolio to show off your work, suggests Margaret Lilly, owner of Lilly's Closet, a Washington, D.C. personal stylist. Allow the accessories to "play with color" and add a bit of style to a classic tweed or black suit. But in my Washington Post article she also warned: "Definitely less is more," so don't add too much.

6. Consider the Coat.
This is an important piece in cool or cold-weather regions, at chamber mixers and networking events, where you may meet several people walking in or waiting in line for the parking valet. Mattson tells of one client who liked to wear an old wrinkled raincoat, what she thought of as his "Columbo coat" after the television detective. Finally she told him: "Get rid of it; it ages you by years."

You don't have to buy your accessories at a high-priced boutique or wear designer lapel shirts and ties. But you do want to look polished, professional and smart. And, as Mattson and other say: Avoid anything that says "I'm outdated."

8 Things NOT to Do to Make a Good Impression at Work

Avoid these behaviors if you want to get ahead

Empty coffee cups on office desk, high angle view
Getty Images
Don't underestimate the importance of a first impression. You want to start off on the right foot so your colleagues will like and respect you. So, what shouldn't you do at work?

1. Don't emulate your worst-dressed colleague

Just because you saw someone in accounting wearing flip-flops, doesn't mean you should dress like you're going to the beach. Many organizations encourage comfortable attire, but be careful not to be too quick to try to win the "worst dressed" team member award.

2. Don't give off a "don't talk to me" vibe

Maybe you don't really like people, but if you don't want to be considered a problem employee, you need to appear approachable. If you walk around with a sour expression, arms crossed in front of you and fail to make eye contact with your colleagues, it may just mean you're having a bad day or you're very shy. However, you'll quickly earn a negative reputation that will be difficult to overcome. Smile, even if you don't feel like it or if you are having a bad day.

3. Don't be a slob

At home, if you want to challenge yourself to see how high your piles of junk can get before toppling over, that's up to you. At work, especially in shared work spaces, it's important to maintain a neat workspace. If you appear sloppy, people may assume you aren't organized and can't handle important responsibilities and you'll find yourself in a dead-end job.

4. Don't be a bully

Maybe you were one of the "cool kids" and have a tendency to make fun of people, either to their faces or behind their backs. In the workplace, that can be considered bullying, and can be grounds for being fired in some cases. Regardless of the laws in your state or expectations at your workplace, you aren't likely to win many friends when people worry they may be your next target.

5. Don't spill your guts

Do you tend to overshare? At work, it's best to keep yourself in check and find other people to tell the long, drawn out story of your bad breakup, sex life or wild, partying ways. Keep conversations friendly and professional and keep your personal drama to yourself.

6. Don't talk about how busy or tired you are

No one cares how busy you are. Everyone is busy, and your job is to get the work done. If you are exceptionally overwhelmed, it's a good idea to have a conversation with your boss and to ask for some help, but most of your colleagues will quickly tire of hearing about how busy and overwhelmed you are at work.

7. Do not spend your day on personal calls, texting or posting to social media

When you're at work, phone calls should be work related. At most offices, it's acceptable to have some personal interactions on the phone, but if your friend/child/mother calls you five times a day, it's up to you to table those calls to after hours. The same goes for texting and updating personal social media sites.

8. Don't be the first one to leave

Everyone will judge your work ethic based on when you run for the exit. Do not close up shop at the earliest opportunity if you want to make a good impression. "Face time" is more important at some companies than others, but if you work in an office, make sure you're doing everything you can to help out and to be available to help others before you bolt for the door.

Happiness in the workplace: Enjoyed by few but achievable for all

Smiling businessman relaxing
Whether we realize it or not, happiness is one of the ultimate goals of everything we do. Many of our daily decisions are steps toward what we believe will bring us joy. Given the importance we place on achieving happiness throughout our lives, it comes as no surprise that workplace contentment is a topic of strong public interest and discussion. Books have been written on the subject, and there are numerous studies and articles that attempt to explain what it takes to find true and lasting professional happiness.
This question is a worthwhile one, from both a personal perspective and an economic standpoint. According to The Wall Street Journal, which partnered with the iOpener Institute for People and Performance to survey its readers, happy workers perform substantially better than their unhappy counterparts, showing 36 percent more motivation and 31 percent more success in achieving their goals. Happy employees also contribute significantly to a positive work environment, assisting their co-workers 33 percent more often and discussing factors affecting performance 46 percent more, indicating their investment in their companies’ success.
Happiness is a key element of innovation within companies, wrote The Washington Post, citing the findings of a November 2011 research paper by evoREG, an academic institution funded by the European Union. EvoREG found that innovation and happiness build upon each other in the workplace: The happier a professional team is, the more innovative they tend to be, and innovation subsequently drives more employee satisfaction and societal benefit.
The importance of happiness in workplace productivity and innovation makes the findings of Gallup’s 2010-2012 “State of the American Workplace” report especially concerning. According to the report, 70 percent of American workers are disengaged from their jobs and company and are thus not fulfilling their full professional potential. Within this 70 percent of disengaged workers, 52 percent are “not engaged,” meaning that they put in time but no emotional investment or strong effort into their work. The remaining 18 percent of disengaged workers are “actively disengaged,” meaning that they work against the interests of their company, potentially driving clients away or discouraging their fellow employees.
The remaining 30 percent of workers in the Gallup survey were “engaged” workers who felt a deep connection and sense of commitment to their company and who were dedicated to their work projects and their team. According to Gallup, this small but significant percentage of American employees is the largest number of engaged workers since the research institution began its worker engagement surveys back in 2000.
The difference between an engaged and a disengaged workforce can amount to hundreds of billions of dollars, Gallup discovered. The research center found that actively disengaged workers cost the U.S. between $450 billion and $550 billion annually in lost productivity.
The crucial role that happiness has in the workplace, coupled with the fact that the vast majority of workers in America are unhappy and disengaged, leads to the conclusion that employers and employees must work together to find a solution. “The general consciousness about the importance of employee engagement seems to have increased in the past decade,” commented Gallup’s Chief Scientist of Workplace Management and Well-Being Jim Harter. “But there is a gap between knowing about engagement and doing something about it in most American workplaces.”
Improving employee morale
How can employers improve their employees’ motivation? The answer is complex. One key factor, however, is helping employees develop a sense of communal purpose. Doug Claffey, CEO of WorkplaceDynamics, wrote in The Cincinnati News that the happiest and most motivated employees have a sense of camaraderie, not only with their immediate colleagues, but also with their company as a whole. As a result, employers wishing to inspire their workers should work to ensure that employees answer yes to the following questions:
  • Do we believe our work to be meaningful?
  • Are we excited about the future of our company?
  • Are we collectively committed to a job well done?
Nonmonetary recognition is also important for employee motivation, according to a 2013 survey by Make Their Day in partnership with Badgeville. The survey of 1,200 workers revealed that 71 percent of employees found the most meaningful and motivating recognition they ever received to be nonmonetary, in the form of appreciative words from managers, supervisors or a team. Other factors that motivate workers to remain dedicated to their work include opportunities for growth and a fun and welcoming work environment.
Employees are responsible for their happiness, too
Employees are also responsible for workplace happiness and productivity. In a Forbes article, Rao expressed his belief that the primary obstacle to workers’ happiness is their feeling of disempowerment, of being unable to shape their professional course. Rao asserts that this belief is false, and that the sooner we realize this fact, the sooner we can cultivate happiness and success. Some of his key recommendations to leading a happier and more self-empowered life include:
  • Relinquishing the “if/then” model: The belief that “If I only obtained a promotion/better job/higher salary, then I would be happy” places your happiness in the hands of external circumstances beyond your control, Rao says. A more satisfying approach would be to invest in and get excited about what is within your control, namely your personal commitment to your work and your professional relationships.
  • Setting goals with a broader perspective in mind: Rao recommends that people shift from “personal ambition” to “greater vision” ambition. He provides an example of both types of ambition in Forbes. “Personal ambition is ‘I want to be CEO,’” he says. “Greater vision ambition is, ‘I want to lead this company so that people want to work here … I have a grand vision and will try my best to make it work.’”
  • Reframing your daily thoughts to be more positive: Rao uses the common saying, “If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade” to illustrate his point that people should look carefully at that lemon and ask themselves, “Is it really that bad, or is the lemon itself a positive thing?”
  • Create others-centric ambitions: Structuring your goals, not around personal gain, but around positively impacting others’ lives, is one of the most important elements in creating a fulfilling and happy life, Rao says.

5 tough questions to ask before a career change

When you're dissatisfied with your professional life, a wholesale career change can seem alluring. In one swift move, you can transform not just what you do but also where, with whom, how and even why you do it.
Of course, making the leap also carries some major risks. Getting started in a new field often means taking a cut not just in pay but also in security and prestige -- at least for a while. Moves of this type also often require additional training or education.

Here are five questions to help you determine whether a career change is right for you.

1. What do you dislike about your current work?
If you can't quite put your finger on what's troubling you, you may soon find yourself in the same situation after you've made your move and the new-career smell has worn off.
When you imagine a career change, is the most attractive part the idea of escaping from your current manager, co-workers or projects? Many problems that seem intrinsic to the kind of work you do are actually rooted in the particulars of your current position or employer. Those elements are much easier to change than your overall career direction.
2. What are the best parts of your current position?
It's easy to let your dissatisfaction with some parts of your professional life obscure its pluses. Take a moment to consider the greenest patches of grass on your side of the fence. That could include generous compensation, meaningful work or the admiration of your colleagues. Think about which of these factors you might lose in the leap to a new career and how much you might miss them.
3. How familiar are you with your target field?
Reading about the field you're considering can be invaluable. But talking to people who work in it every day will give you a much more realistic picture of its challenges and satisfactions. For example, these individuals can alert you to any glamorous but misleading notions you may have about the new field.
Use your professional and social networks to identify people who work in your target field. Arrange informational interviews or offer to buy them lunch in exchange for picking their brains.
4. Are you passionate about the new field?
As with a career shift motivated purely by money, one inspired only by an "anywhere but here" urge isn't likely to yield lasting satisfaction. A strong personal connection to the new work can make the transition easier. Without such commitment, you might find yourself missing the comforts of the position you left behind.
5. How portable are your skills?
The fresher a new field seems to you, the less applicable your existing skills may be. Talk to your contacts in the target field about how well your abilities and experience might translate. If these people don't see many convincing connections, chances are employers won't, either.
If your answers to these questions point you toward making the leap, go for it. There's no guarantee you'll love your new career, but you have good reason to believe it's a risk worth taking. Even if the new path isn't a smooth one, it will likely take you closer to a more fulfilling work life.
Keep in mind that your move doesn't have to be an abrupt one. Consider ways you can make the transition gradually, such as taking on temporary assignments to build your experience in a new area or undergoing training for your targeted field while you continue working part time in your current one. Such measures may take some of the thrill out of the leap, but they'll also make for a much softer landing.

3-Month Course Yields 5-Figure Job

App Academy requires 80 to 100 hours per week, but promises payoff

Programming is a hot career path to well-paying jobs. Unless, of course, you don't know how to program. But such people as Rose Auravide and Tyler Benjamin have found that, with a lot of effort and an intensive course called App Academy, they were able to learn to write code in three months and land jobs in the high five-figures -- guaranteed.

Specifically, 24-year-old Auravide traded a $12 an hour part-time job with no benefits for a position in Web programming with customer service software vendor Zendesk in San Francisco at $70,000 a year and full benefits. Benjamin, who's 23, gave up delivering Domino's pizzas for about $25,000 a year (after car repairs and gas) and now makes $80,000 at Lovely, an online apartment rental marketplace.

App Academy is an example of a new area in professional education: intensive courses in areas of business that once required a college degree. Dev Bootcamp is another type of immersive programming course, with a 9-week training in programming. General Assembly has a broader variety of courses, including mobile app development, data analysis, product design, and digital marketing. What makes App Academy unusual is that other than a $3,000 deposit, students don't have to pay until after they finish the course and get a job.

Sound like a fast track to Easy Street? Not in the least. According to the school, the course requires between 80 and 100 hours a week, which can be grueling. Also, between 10 and 15 percent of the participants drop out during the "intense" experience. A person named Ben who was blogging about his experience at App Academy ultimately left after the fifth week. He suggested to others that they find a way to live near the course so they didn't lose too much time in commuting, recognize whether they could think clearly on short amounts of sleep, and understand that the intense exposure to using a particular programming language isn't for everyone.

In other words, going through the experience just to make more money might not be enough to sustain you. Although the increase in pay was significant, it wasn't the real motivating factor for Auravide. "It was probably a couple of years ago that someone showed me how to write some Java," she said in an interview with AOL Jobs. "I was enthralled by it; I knew that was what I wanted to do."

Benjamin had graduated with a degree in psychology and found that while his education was good, it wasn't "marketable." A contract job doing research paid the bills, but little else. When that ended, he wound up at Domino's -- literally a financial step up -- until a friend posted on Facebook a Wired article about App Academy.

Not that personal finances play no part in applying. According to App Academy co-founder Kush Patel, almost three-quarters of their students are unemployed when they come to the courses. The rest come from average salaries of $30,000 to $40,000 a year.

"What sets us apart from traditional for-profit education is the tuition model," says Patel. Students put down a $3,000 non-refundable deposit (although App Academy has waived it at times). After the course, which can take place in either San Francisco or New York City, App Academy has to place a student in a job that pays at least $60,000 a year. Patel claims that average salary for graduates is between $95,000 and $100,000 in San Francisco and $80,000 and $90,000 in New York.

App Academy gets 18 percent of a student's first year's gross salary, less the initial $3,000, to be paid off over six months. That works out to more than a third of the salary over the half year. But that can work out financially. Even paying 36 percent of their salary over six months leaves average students with significantly more income than they typically had before.

"I had saved up enough delivering pizzas to pay the up-front deposit as well as my living expenses while I was in San Francisco," said Benjamin, who only had to pay 15 percent of his first year's salary. (The amount jumped to 18 percent after he graduated and got a job.) "It's a small percentage of your salary and it's not like you'll need all of what you'll be making afterwards. Finding a cheap place to live in San Francisco is harder than paying."

Getting in was no snap. App Academy only takes 5 percent of applicants because they have to show themselves capable of learning the concepts in a social environment (students pair off to do work) in a very short time. "It was kind of high pressure," Auravide said, with tests and interviews. And then the course itself was "grueling and amazingly difficult" with many 12-hour days and work through the weekends, "but equally fun."

"It sounded too good to be true, but turned out to be even better than I expected," Benjamin said.

The power of introverts in the workplace

Introvert in workplace

By Kaitlin Louie, writer and editor for and

The thought of networking parties makes us cringe. Instead of a Friday night on the town, we prefer curling up in a chair and reading a book or watching a film. In work meetings we rarely speak up, but when we do, it’s after we’ve thought our entire contribution through. We are introverts, and for the longest time we have been encouraged to change our secluded nature, lest we flounder in the working world. In order to be visible, earn promotions and gain credibility in corporate America, selling yourself is invaluable — or so we’ve been told. Recent studies have cast new light on the value of an introverted disposition in the workplace.

In her recent book, “Quiet: The Power of Introverts,” former lawyer and self-professed introvert Susan Cain explains how introverts, while initially less impressive to hiring managers than extroverts, often perform better in the workplace. “We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert ideal — the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha, and comfortable in the spotlight,” Cain says in the excerpt of her book that is available on her website. “But we make a grave mistake to embrace the Extrovert Ideal so unthinkingly. Some of our greatest ideas, art, and inventions — from the theory of evolution to van Gogh’s sunflowers to the personal computer — came from quiet and cerebral people who knew how to tune in to their inner worlds and the treasures to be found there.”

“Quiet: The Power of Introverts” is not the only publication that advocates for increased appreciation of introverts in the workplace. In their study entitled “The Downfall of Introverts and the Rise of Neurotics,” Corinne Bendersky of UCLA’s Anderson School of Management and Neha Parikh Shah of Rutgers University studied the dynamics within study groups composed of MBA students. They found that, contrary to popular belief, work ethic and delivery on responsibilities took precedence over gregariousness when it came to an individual’s status in a group.

“Rather than a calculation of people’s status-valued attributes creating a stable hierarchy, we demonstrate that status allocation processes unfold more fluidly as peers revise their noisy initial expectations based on actual task experiences,” they wrote in their report, published in the Academy of Management Journal in April. In other words, their findings indicate that first impressions in the workplace might not have as powerful an effect long term as people think, because ultimately it is one’s actual contributions that determine one’s value in the eyes of one’s teammates.

According to Forbes’ explanation of the study, Bendersky and Shah classified the personalities of 229 MBA students as extroverted or neurotic based on their responses to a personality survey. They then placed these students into five-person study groups that would work together throughout the academic quarter. All students were subsequently asked to rate their teammates on how much they expected their peers to contribute to the group. Initial ratings showed that the more extroverted students garnered significantly higher status scores than did their neurotic peers.

Interestingly, as the academic quarter progressed, these ratings reversed themselves. Bendersky and Shah found that overall, the extroverts in the groups did not meet the expectations set for them by their teammates, and as a result, they lost status. Meanwhile, the neurotics within the study groups surpassed their peers’ initial expectations and contributed to their study group such that their status increased over time.

“Extroverts disappoint us over time when they’re part of a team,” Bendersky told USA Today, “On a team you’re expected to work hard and contribute a lot. But they’re often poor listeners, and they don’t collaborate.” In contrast, neurotics, by not selling themselves yet working consistently hard to contribute to their team, exceed expectations and earn the regard of their peers.

It should be noted that neurotics are distinct from introverts — while neuroticism refers to over-anxiousness, guilt and moodiness, introversion simply means that one derives more energy from being alone and often turns inward to reflect on life situations or creative projects. Yet Bendersky and Shah’s findings are relevant to , because neurotics and introverts share key attributes: neither enjoys being in the spotlight, and oftentimes they are not adept at selling themselves or arguing their points in large groups.

Anecdotal evidence also exists in favor of incorporating more introverts into the workplace. In NPR’s story, “The Quiet Strength of Introverts in the Workplace,” host John Donvan and journalist Anita Bruzzese heard from numerous callers who explained their experiences as introverts in the professional world. One introverted caller explained how her nurse manager colleagues appreciated her detail-oriented and focused nature, while another caller described how one of his extroverted co-worker’s attempts to sell herself actually backfired by making her seem self-centered.

One key point to keep in mind is that these studies are not placing extroverts and introverts in a kind of hierarchy or claiming one to be better than the other. In fact, they are an indication that both types of individuals have much to learn from each other: While extroverts could benefit from being more collaborative and contributing more to team goals, introverts may find more advancement opportunities if they learn how to advocate more strongly for their ideas and personal qualifications. Anita Bruzzese, who wrote a piece on the value of introverts for USA Today, told NPR, “Research will show, again and again, that the best workforces are diverse workforces. That means you need extroverts and introverts. You rely on their individual strengths to make a company successful.”

Management experts Amy Jen Su and Muriel Maignan Wilkins, authors of “Own the Room: Discover Your Signature Voice to Master Your Leadership Presence,” agree with Bruzzese’s conclusions. In their book, they emphasize the importance of nurturing introverts’ and extroverts’ strengths, while encouraging both types of people to step out of their comfort zone and develop professionally. In an interview with USA Today, Su explained that introverts within teams “often have an approachable demeanor, which can make them exceptional mentors to more junior staff or particularly good sounding boards when you interact with them in one-on-one situations.” And while extroverts can be great at leading a group or initiating exciting projects, Wilkins explains that teaching extroverts how to listen better and be more attentive to their teammates’ needs will ultimately help them be more productive.

“Those who get out of auto-pilot recognize that their natural style is a strength and that adding a few more communication strategies in their repertoire won’t change who they are,” Wilkins explained to USA Today. “It will simply broaden their impact and get to the results they desire.”

Who's Hiring Where in Q4?

IT, financial services and manufacturing lead the way

Young woman using laptop in server room
Getty Images
By Susan Ricker

In a booming economy, finding a new job can be pretty easy. In a recovering economy, however, you may feel more like a detective than a job seeker, spending most of your time searching for jobs, researching companies and investigating new opportunities.

In the last quarter of 2013, expect to continue using your detective skills as the hiring forecast predicts relatively steady hiring rates.

​"Consistent hiring has been the theme throughout this jobs recovery," says Matt Ferguson, CEO of CareerBuilder. "Economic concerns are still looming. Some headlines in the news need to play themselves out before employers fully mobilize to create a more active job market. Companies will continue to produce an even stream of new jobs in the fourth quarter as they assess their positioning and prospects for the coming year."

While you may have to spend more time investigating in Q4, a recent CareerBuilder survey* of more than 2,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals across industries and company sizes nationwide found clues that will point you in the right direction of who's hiring and where.

Several industries are outperforming the national hiring rate
A closer look at hiring plans in the last quarter of 2013 shows the strong points of the economy. First, the overall hiring rate will remain stable, with one in four employers planning to add full-time, permanent headcount in the fourth quarter. This rate is very similar to last year, with 26 percent in Q4 2012.

However, several industries are expected to outpace the national average for companies hiring, including information technology (36 percent), financial services (32 percent) and manufacturing (30 percent).

Hiring among large health care organizations (those with 50 employees or more) is expected to mirror the national average, though that number may change as the Affordable Care Act takes effect and additional health care workers are needed.

The remaining organizations surveyed are either at full headcount or may need to reduce: 9 percent expect to downsize staffs, the same as last year. Sixty-one percent anticipate no change and 5 percent are undecided.

Despite the sluggish hiring numbers, there will still be a large number of employment opportunities in Q4. Thirty-two percent of employers plan to hire temporary or contract workers in the fourth quarter, similar to 33 percent last year. Those opportunities may very well turn into permanent employment by the New Year. Twenty-two percent report that they will transition some temporary or contract staff into permanent employees before the end of the year.

Opportunities will vary by size and location of company
Not only is it important to understand the industries that are hiring, but it's just as essential to know what kinds of companies are hiring and where those jobs are. Although small businesses continue to trail large organizations in the percentage of employers hiring, recruitment activity among companies of all sizes will remain relatively steady over the next three months.
  • 50 or fewer employees -- 15 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 16 percent last year; 8 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 7 percent last year.
  • 250 or fewer employees -- 18 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 20 percent last year; 9 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 8 percent last year.
  • 500 or fewer employees -- 20 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 21 percent last year; 9 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 8 percent last year.
  • More than 500 employees -- 32 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 34 percent last year; 11 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 9 percent last year.

Similar to previous surveys, the West remains the most optimistic in terms of hiring plans. The South saw the largest year-over-year decrease (four percentage points) in the number of employers expecting to recruit new talent in Q4 but is still slightly ahead of the Northeast and Midwest.
  • West -- 29 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 31 percent last year; 9 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 7 percent last year.
  • South -- 24 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 28 percent last year; 9 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 8 percent last year.
  • Northeast -- 23 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4 compared to 24 percent last year; those reducing headcount remained at 10 percent.
  • Midwest -- 23 percent plan to add full-time, permanent staff in Q4, the same as last year; 11 percent expect to reduce headcount compared to 10 percent last year.