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Would your career be better off with a mentor?

mentorWhen grappling with a work-related problem, there’s only so much advice a spouse or friend can offer you. Since they likely don’t work in your industry or company, their insight may focus on the limited details they have of your work, which they probably know only from you.
But what if you could receive custom advice from an industry insider who knows you well and has your best interests at heart? What if their goal in the relationship is to see you succeed? Working with a mentor may be exactly what you need to grow in your career.
In a 2013 CareerBuilder survey, 29 percent of workers reported having had a mentor, and of those who are in a mentor-mentee relationship, 84 percent said the mentor helped advance their careers. Learn more about this prosperous relationship and if a mentor is just what you and your career need.

The benefits of having a mentor
If you’ve never had a mentor before, the relationship may seem strange in today’s age of social media-focused interactions and movement away from interpersonal relationships. However, a mentor is more than somebody to report to — they are there to share their experience and insight with you and see you succeed.
When asked if the mentor helped advance their career, 84 percent of workers said yes. Here are some of the ways workers said a mentor aided their career:
  • By guiding me in daily responsibilities – 45 percent
  • By guiding me in career path decisions – 37 percent
  • By helping to make connections for me – 26 percent
  • By recommending me for a promotion – 25 percent
Finding a mentor
How do you set out to find somebody to serve as your mentor? There are a number of different ways to begin this relationship. Based on answers from the survey, here are some of the most common:
  • It’s someone I work with – 70 percent
  • It was part of a structured mentor program offered by my company – 15 percent
  • I was introduced to them by a friend/colleague – 8 percent
If your company doesn’t have a structured mentor program, speak to your manager or human resources department about setting one up. If the company doesn’t have the resources, you can independently find a mentor. Ask a co-worker you admire and respect to have go out for coffee or lunch with you, and discuss what you admire about their career and ask for advice. If the meeting goes well, have a follow-up lunch several weeks later, and see if they are receptive to a mentor-mentee relationship. If not, networking may be a good solution to meet industry experts outside of work who would enjoy the relationship.
Based on the survey results, a mentor-mentee relationship can be just as unique as the two people in it. Some of the variants of the relationship were the length of time, the age of the mentor and the number of mentors.
  • When answering about their last mentor, 19 percent of workers said their relationship lasted less than a year, 44 percent said one to three years, 20 percent said four to six years, 6 percent said seven to nine years, 5 percent said 10-15 years, 2 percent said 16-20 years and 4 percent said more than 20 years.
  • When responding to the age of their last mentor, 82 percent of workers said their mentor was older, 11 percent said younger and 7 percent said the same age.
  • When replying to the number of mentors they’ve had in their career, 39 percent of workers said one, 35 percent said two and 26 percent said three or more.
Bottom line: The best fit for a mentor is somebody who you respect and can trust to share your problems and concerns with, and be open to learning from their experience.
What is the best piece of advice a mentor ever gave you?
If you’ve never had a mentor before, gain from the wisdom mentors have imparted on others. Here is some of the best advice workers have received from their mentors:
  • Do your work now.
  • Look after the nickels and dimes, and the dollars will look after themselves.
  • Never stop learning.
  • Always do the best job you can, no matter what others around you are doing.
  • Focus on activities that make you excited to go to work and get work done. Don’t worry about job titles.
  • Always network and never burn bridges.
  • Ask for what you want.
  • Fail fast and move on.
  • Double check spelling and grammar.
  • Ask questions — lots of questions.
  • Be yourself and play to your strengths.
  • Being lucky comes from hard work.

8 Things To Do If You're Being Targeted For Age Discrimination

You don't have to let yourself be a victim.

Experienced Baby boomer looses his job
My last article was about how to prove an age discrimination case. Now that you know how to prove age discrimination, what next? What do you do if you think age discrimination is going on in your company?

Here are 8 key steps to take if you're being targeted for age discrimination:
  1. Write it down: Write down dates, location and any witnesses of any age discrimination you notice, whether against you or against your colleagues.
  2. Gather documents: If you see that the best territories have gone to younger employees, that layoffs or disciplines are focusing on older employees, or have any other documents that you think prove age discrimination, gather them together and make copies.
  3. Keep your evidence safe: Take your notes and documents somewhere safe. Don't lock them in a desk or keep them in your office. It's best to keep them at home or at least in your purse or briefcase so your employer can't take them away from you if you're fired.
  4. Report it: If your coworkers or supervisors are singling you out for harassment due to your age, you need to follow your company's policy on reporting harassment. Report it, in writing, as a "Formal Complaint of Age Discrimination." Lay out every way you are being singled out for nasty comments, exclusion, unfavorable job assignments, and disciplines as compared to your younger coworkers. Give them an opportunity to investigate and correct the situation. If you fail to do this, you might lose your right to sue for age-based harassment later.
  5. Don't give them an excuse: If you think you might be targeted, be extra careful at work. Obey every direct order (other than something illegal), document what you've been told to do, and make sure your work is pristine.
  6. Don't delay: In order to bring a suit for age discrimination under the Age Discrimination In Employment Act, you must first file a Charge of Discrimination with EEOC. Depending on whether your state also has an agency that handles discrimination claims, you have either 180 days or 300 days from the date of discrimination to file with EEOC. Your state may also have laws against age discrimination with different deadlines. Especially if you've suffered a demotion, been denied a job or promotion, or lost your job, you should contact EEOC or an employment attorney in your state right away.
  7. Don't refuse to sign: If you're presented with a write-up or discipline, don't refuse to sign. That could be insubordination. Instead, sign with a notation next to your signature, "As to receipt only – rebuttal to follow." Then submit a businesslike and factual rebuttal with any evidence you have showing that you didn't do what they're accusing you of or how younger coworkers who have done the same thing aren't being disciplined. You should mention in your rebuttal that you believe you are being targeted due to your age.
  8. Don't sign: If you're presented with a severance agreement or other documents to sign after you've been laid off or fired, don't sign on the spot. Ask for a copy to review. You're in shock and not thinking straight. Take it home. Then review carefully and take it to an employment lawyer in your state if there's anything you don't understand. If you sign a severance agreement, you are probably releasing any claims you have against your employer, including age discrimination claims. If you do have evidence of age discrimination, this might give your lawyer to negotiate a better severance package for you.
If you take these steps, you might be able to protect yourself against getting fired, or you may have enough evidence to bring an age discrimination claim against your employer if you are fired, demoted, denied a promotion or laid off.

6 Snap Judgments Hiring Managers Make

Snap judgements managers makeYou finally got that interview you've been hoping to land. Don't blow it by making a bad first impression. Expect your interviewer to begin sizing you up the minute you step foot on the company's property. Everything you do can, and will, be held against you, so make sure you don't open the door to any negative snap judgments right from the start.

What will cause the employer to wrinkle his or her nose?

1. You're already offering excuses. You've never been to this part of town at this hour, and you're late. You have a good excuse –- or many excuses. Perhaps traffic was terrible, there was an accident, the road was closed or your GPS gave you the wrong directions. They could all be true, but the result is that you are late and coming up with reasons to explain away your mistake. While some employers may be willing to overlook this faux pas for extremely good candidates, expect to be digging yourself out of the proverbial hole if you can't make it to the interview at least 10 or 15 minutes early.

2. You look like a slob. Perhaps you heard everyone wears T-shirts, flip-flops and cutoffs to work. That's fine once you have the job, but it's not interview attire. A three-piece suit would clearly be out of place in an extremely casual environment, but it's professional and more respectful to dress a little better than the office dress code for an interview. In this case, don a pair of nice khaki pants and a shirt or blouse with a collar in order to avoid making the wrong impression.

3. You talk too much. It's good to demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest in the position, but do not go overboard and start telling the employer about how long you've been waiting for this opportunity, and how you really need this job so you don't lose your car next month.

4. You don't appear confident and poised. Studies show that body language speaks volumes, and employers will decide if you are professional and and self-assured from the moment they see you. Stand up straight, smile and look the interviewer in the eye. Practice your firm handshake and learn to sit up straight without appearing stiff or uncomfortable. Otherwise, you risk coming off as someone who isn't prepared for the position.
5.You cannot get to the point. People do not generally have very long attention spans. If you bore the interviewer with long, overly detailed replies to questions, you will quickly lose your opportunity to land the job. Practice succinctly answering questions so you don't lose your listener's attention before you get to the point.

6. You are unprepared. One of the biggest pet peeves interviewers share is that candidates are unprepared and do not conduct crucial research about the position or the company before their interviews. Do not expect to show up and ask things such as, "What does this company do?" or "What job is this, again?" if you want to impress the employer.

Instead, do some research and be ready to ask questions during the interview that you could not easily answer via your own research. It's even better if you can illustrate that you know important things about the company in the course of the conversation. For example, "I read in last month's Forbes magazine that your company is looking to acquire a tech firm. How do you think that potential acquisition may affect this department?" It's even better if you can follow up with some specifics about how your skills and background will make you a great candidate to help accomplish whatever goals the employer mentions.

If you are interested in the job, don't inadvertently give the impression that you could care less. Focus on both the big and little details if you want to stay in the running for your dream job.

Employers That Cut The Most Jobs Since The Financial Crisis

These 10 employers have cut nearly a half million jobs in the last five years.

Woman carrying box of stationery
On Sept. 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, and the financial crisis was officially underway. Fast-forward five years, and the economy is still down a net total of 240,000 jobs from where it was five years ago, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). But during the worst of the recession back in 2010, the economy was behind a net total of 8.8 million jobs. Regular cuts, as many workers know all too well, have hit nearly every sector of the economy -- and many sectors are still struggling.

Many jobs have returned, but not enough. "In reality, we've actually made very few improvements to the labor market," said Heidi Shierholz, an economist with the liberal and non-profit Washington D.C.-based research organization, the Economic Policy Institute. "You also have to consider all the jobs we should have been adding over these past five years, instead of trying to recoup the jobs that have been lost."

But which employers laid off the most workers? To mark the five-year milestone, AOL Jobs contacted employment services firm, Challenger, Gray & Christmas, which checked its database. The result: a list of the top 10 job-losing employers -- and a window into not only how brutal the crisis has been but who has suffered the most. These workplaces are responsible for 475,918 of the jobs that have been lost since 2008. Four of the ten employers who have cut the most jobs are in the finance industry.

A caveat about the list: The Challenger firm focused on combined totals from announced workforce reductions, which of course is automatically going to put the spotlight on larger employers. See below for the top ten.

U.S. Postal Service Logo10. U.S. Postal Service

Major layoffs: 2009
Total jobs lost: 30,000
2013 total workers: 522,000*

Why so many? The financial crisis has of course overlapped with the digital revolution, which has taken a much-publicized toll on the U.S. Postal Service. And the first full year of the financial crisis saw workers hurt beyond those who were simply cut; nearly a quarter of the Postal Service's 646,000 workers were offered early retirement, as CNN reported. The cumulative job loss in recent years at the Postal Service has been massive; the service 800,000 total workers in 1999.

Verizon Logo9. Verizon Wireless

Major layoffs: 2009, 2012
Total jobs lost: 30,700
2013 total workers: 195,400*

Why so many? Verizon's cuts in 2009 were more related to its buyout of wireless service provider Alltel in 2009. But last year, Verizon made more even more cuts after 45,000 Verizon employees went on strike after the company pushed for cuts in health benefits and pensions when contracts with two major unions expired. The cuts came in the company's traditional wireless division, as CNN Money reported.

Petco Logo8. Merrill Lynch

Major layoffs: 2008
Total jobs lost: 35,000
2013 total workers: 284,000 (Bank of America)*

Why so many? Before the company was taken over by Bank of America at the end of 2008, it pursued a punishing round of layoffs. In one fell swoop, 15 percent of its workforce, or some 30,000 bankers, were let go from the investment bank and brokerage divisions at the firm.

Petco Logo7. JPMorgan Chase

Major layoffs: 2008, 2009, 2013
Total jobs lost: 35,000
2013 total workers: 260,095*

Why so many? When the crisis struck in 2008, leading mortgage lender Washington Mutual was in near collapse. JPMorgan Chase moved in and bought most of the company, but cut much of the staff, including nearly 10,000 in December of 2008. Company CEO Jamie Dimon is however often credited for making moves that have minimized job losses. Back in 2006, for instance, he began tracking how many phone lines his bank owned, and found some 50,000 were being unused, as Marketwatch reported. As a result, the company was able to cut down on the wasteful expense.

Petco Logo6. Bank of America

Major layoffs: 2011, 2012
Total jobs lost: 37,402
2013 total workers: 284,000*

Why so many? Before the financial crisis, Bank of America (BofA) was recognized for going on an "acquisition binge," in the words of And in trying to figure out what to cut ever since the crisis hit, BofA has been focused on scaling back its mortgage lending divisions, much of which it inherited when it took over Countrywide, once the biggest U.S. mortgage lender, in 2008. Like many of its peer banks, BofA has also cut jobs to implement a "vast new regulatory system that cuts into profits," as the Wall Street Journal reported.

Petco Logo5. Caterpillar

Major layoffs: 2009, 2013
Total jobs lost: 40,111
2013 total workers: 125,341*

Why so many? The world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment took a direct hit when those sectors suffered in the financial crisis. Cuts were made to ensure that costs were in line with revenue. And more bloodletting may ensue; this spring, the company said it expects a 50 percent decline in sales of traditional mining equipment, as the Chicago Tribune reported.

Petco Logo4. Circuit City

Major layoffs: 2008, 2009
Total jobs lost: 41,305
2013 total workers: none

Why so many? Pressure from competitors including Best Buy and Walmart proved too much for Circuit City as it closed its 567 stores back in 2009. But during its final gasps, the company tried to stay afloat by replacing thousands of its highest paid clerks with lower-paid replacements. The tech community was not impressed; "Let's face it, customer service in Circuit City is far from stellar, and ditching highly qualified personnel does nothing to improve that situation," Gizmodo wrote after a 2008 purge. .

Petco Logo3. Hewlett-Packard

Major layoffs: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012
Total jobs lost: 74,300
2013 total workers: 331,800*

Why so many? The world's largest tech company embarked on a vigorous cost-cutting mission as soon as Mark Hurd took over as company CEO in 2005; he laid off 15,200 employees, or 10 percent of the workforce in his first year, as CNN Money reported. So when the crisis began, the company only revved up its strategy of cuts, telling thousands of workers they were "redundant" as the company transitioned away focusing on hardware production and towards tech outsourcing. But the moves have been seen in the tech community as undoing the company's identity as a service provider. Indeed, HP is planning to cut 27,000 IT professionals by the end of 2014, according to CIO.

Petco Logo2. Citigroup

Major layoffs: 2008, 2011, 2012
Total jobs lost: 75,000
2013 total workers: 267,150*

Why so many? Citigroup took $20 billion in bailout money from the federal government in 2008 through the Toxic Asset Relief Program (TARP). But it wasn't enough as CEO Vikram Pandit also began laying off workers that year. The cuts have come across Citi's divisions, from combined insurance to investment banking. And hardly anyone expects the cuts to stop. After Michael Corbat took over from Pandit last year as company CEO, he promised the bank would reduce "excess capacity and expenses, whether they center on technology, real estate or simplifying our operations," as USA Today reported.

GM Logo1. General Motors

Major layoffs: 2008, 2009
Total jobs lost: 77,100
2013 total workers: 202,000*

Why so many? When credit vanished after the market collapse of 2008 , GM, along with the Ford Motor Company and Chrysler found themselves with major cash shortages on their hands. The problems in the sector were also compounded by the rising price of fuel earlier in the decade, which encouraged consumers to buy fuel efficient vehicles made overseas, as the Associated Press reported. It got so bad that GM was on the verge of complete liquidation by April, 2009, before the government stepped in to provide an $85 billion bailout. But the instability resulted in mass layoffs which included the elimination of thousands of management jobs in addition to plant positions.

Recharge Your Career With A Big Idea

How to find and execute the big idea that will be a game changer.

Beautiful businesswoman with puzzle
Might it be time to attempt a big goal, your most important accomplishment yet, maybe your first big accomplishment? Here are examples and questions to unearth your Big Idea:

Examples to trigger your Big Idea:

You needn't do these yourself. Should you have a partner?

Create a Udemy course on what you know: from business-plan writing to bowling to bargaining.
  • Direct a play such as Rent or West Side Story with troubled high-school kids.
  • Truck adoptable dogs and cats from shelters in a region with too many to shelters in a region with too few.
  • Mentor someone who has much unrealized potential.
  • Create a website that pairs-up people for activities other than dating: MentorMatch, Activity Partner Pair-Up, Book Club Maker, etc.
  • Write a book or make a video that says something important. For example, whatever career you've been in--from clerk to CEO--write a book that helps people in your field become more successful. Perhaps base it on interviews with people in the field, luminaries and just plain folks. If you can't sell your book to a publisher, self-publish on CreateSpace and sell it on Amazon. If you can't get Steven Spielberg to make your movie, post it on YouTube.
  • Start a charter or private school for an underserved category of students: kids who hate standard school, ADD gifted kids, whatever.
  • Raise beaucoup bucks for your favorite charity or advocacy group. For a list of efficient charities, see
  • Invent something. Example: a robot that would help elders who fall to get up.
  • A new book on how to pick a charity wisely: Reinventing Philanthropy.
  • Start a business where there's a crying need, for example, a child care center where none exists.

Questions to unearth your Big Idea
  • What's been your biggest success so far? What could be a bigger or more important version of that? It needn't be something you accomplished at work. For example, if you played in the community orchestra, perhaps you aspire to conduct Beethoven's Fifth.
  • If you had to give away a million dollars, to whom or what would you give it? For example, if you'd give the money to the NARAL: ProChoice America, perhaps you'd want to be a volunteer coordinator for it.
  • What societal problem are you most concerned about? For example, if politicians frustrate you, do you want to run for office? If you're sick of traffic gridlock, do you want to join a local transportation committee?
  • Is there a product or service you'd love to improve? Let's say you'd like to improve health care but are intimidated by the problem's massiveness. You might become a patient advocate, helping patients get the care they need.
  • Assume there's a God. What would God tell you is the most important project He or She put you on this earth to undertake?
  • Sometimes,a broad, direct approach is best: What's the biggest idea you could see yourself motivated to tackle?

Harder than coming up with an idea is developing a plan and especially executing it well. Create your to-do list and get expert advice and hands-on help as needed. Try to treat setbacks as challenges; don't give up prematurely. But as Kenny Rogers sang, "You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em." If you have to toss in your cards, take solace in knowing that gives you an opportunity to play another hand.

Secrets To A Slam Dunk Job Interview

Take these 5 simple steps and you'll have a perfect interview.

Two Business Colleagues With an Application Form Conducting an Interview at a Table
The perfect interview is every job seeker's dream. A great interview also gets the recruiting or hiring manager excited about a great candidate. How can you become that ideal candidate who is a slam dunk for the job? It's probably not as tough as you think. Unfortunately, when you talk to hiring managers and recruiters, you find that many interviewees are unprepared and unimpressive. They make basic mistakes and often lose opportunities as a result.

When you are just a little more prepared to answer interview questions than the next candidate, you can come out smelling like a rose. Follow these tips to a perfect interview;

Apply for the right jobs.
This step happens before the interview. You need to make sure to apply for jobs that suit your skills and experience. Don't bother with a lot of jobs you are overqualified to do, and eliminate jobs where you can't prove that you have the majority of the skills they seek. This key step will help you save time in your job search, as you won't be spinning your wheels applying for positions you don't have a chance to land.

Research the organization and the people.
Do not go to an interview before you've done research that informs you about the company's major issues, also known as "point points." Scan all of the online information about the company, including what it says about itself as well as news mentions. Make a connection between the company's goals and what you offer. For example, if you read that the organization is working to improve its customer service focus, be prepared to explain how your background prepared you to contribute to this goal. Specifics regarding how you contributed to similar successful efforts in the past will help you stand out from the crowd.

You also should take advantage of the opportunity to learn about your interviewers. You can bet that you'll be able to find something out about anyone you'll meet online. Start with LinkedIn, and if you can't learn what you need there, Google the interviewer's name. You know they will do the same for you, so you might as well be on equal ground.

During the interview, feel free to bring up any information you found on LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+, as long as it is professional and seems like something the employer would want you to know. For example, "I see you also attended the University of Illinois!" Or, "I'm a big movie buff, too."

Use "Problem - Action - Result" stories and answer questions completely
You need to have several stories to demonstrate you can handle any challenge the job may bring. Each story should have three elements: 1) A problem. 2) The action you took to solve the problem. 3) The result: what happened and how did your actions affect that result? This is known as a "PAR" story; people who structure their responses to interview questions in this way will be sure to address all of the key points. Oftentimes, interviewees forget to describe the result of their actions, or they may forget to detail how they affected the results. When you have several "PAR" stories at the ready, you'll be prepared for most any interview question.

Think of times when you overcame a big challenge, worked with difficult people or had to make an unpopular choice. These are common interview questions you can answer with a PAR story. If you research the company well, you may be able to predict some of their questions and plan some good stories to tell.

Don't talk too much.
Sometimes, the best thing to say is as little as possible. Especially when asked something you don't want to talk much about, such as why were you fired, your best bet is to cut to the chase and move to the next question. Do not dwell on anything negative and always present things in the most favorable light possible.

Follow up.
If you really want the job, make sure to write a thank you note after the interview to each person you met. Comment on each meeting in individual notes; don't duplicate the same message to each interviewer. This is your chance to elaborate on something you want them to know and to remind the interviewers why you are a good choice. As long as you don't include any typos or other mistakes in your letter, it can only help you stand out in a crowd of candidates.

Working with a recruiter 101

working with a recruiterA recruiter can introduce you to the right opportunity and accelerate your job search. If you’ve never considered working with a recruiter before, here’s your chance to learn more the job seeker/recruiter relationship. In a conversation with Paul McDonald, senior executive director at Robert Half International, a staffing firm, we find out what job seekers should know about working with a recruiter and how it can be beneficial to their careers.
Q: If a job seeker has never worked with a recruiter before, what should they know, starting out, about the recruiter/job seeker relationship?
McDonald: A recruiter’s job is to find job seekers rewarding positions, and your recruiter can serve as your eyes, ears and advocate in the marketplace. Whether you are publicly looking for a new job or want to conduct a confidential search, a recruiter can be a valuable resource.
Working with a recruiter offers a number of benefits. Recruitment firms have well-developed relationships with employers in their areas, provide insights on targeted potential employers, place professionals in positions that fit their skills and also their personalities, and can make the job search quicker and more efficient. In addition, they frequently know about jobs yet to be advertised.
But the benefits of working with a recruiter go further. For example, your recruiter can provide hiring and compensation insights, offer résumé and interview advice and help you navigate salary negotiations. Many staffing firms also offer access to free resources such as online training, which you can use to enhance your marketability.
Q: From start to finish, what’s the timeline and process like when working with a recruiter?McDonald: Job seekers typically start working with a recruiter in one of two ways: Either the recruiter finds them through his or her network or job seekers register with the firm. The next step is a discussion of the candidate’s skills, experience and objectives. The recruiter will also review the job seeker’s résumé and, if there is a potential fit with a client company, invite the person for an interview and conduct a skills assessment and reference checks.
There is no set timeline, since a number of factors affect the hiring process. What job seekers can do to help ensure the process is as efficient as possible is be able to clearly explain to their recruiter their experience, career objective and type of organization where they’d like to work. In other words, know what you want and have a well-honed elevator pitch. This will allow the recruiter to conduct a targeted search and focus on potential opportunities in alignment with your specific goals.
Throughout the process, keep your recruiter up to date on who you’ve met with, what’s working and what’s not and any new openings you hear about. Provide constructive feedback to help the recruiter refine the search as needed, and also be open to guidance about changes, such as to your résumé or interview style, that could enhance your prospects.
Q: How can a job seeker find a recruiter that is right for their career goals, personality and budget?
McDonald: Budget should not be an issue. A reputable staffing firm never charges job seekers a fee.
When considering a recruiter, look for a firm specializing in your field. A specialist will have opportunities better targeted to your needs and can provide stronger market insights and career advice. Also look for a firm with a history of success, including in your area, and expansive networks in the business community.
Tap members of your network for their thoughts and referrals, and also research firms you’re considering. When you connect with a recruiter, ask questions to ensure the working relationship will meet your needs. For example, ask how long the firm has been in business and works with job candidates. The rapport you build with your recruiter is vital to your job-search success, so make sure you find someone who has good experience and who you like working with.
Q: What skills do recruiters look for when working with a job seeker?
McDonald: The specifics typically depend on the market and the job seeker’s field, but, in general, professionals should highlight their skills, experience and, ideally, record of advancement. While these attributes, along with education, accreditations and technology proficiency are critical, so, too, are nontechnical skills. Also known as soft skills and formerly considered nice-to-haves, excelling in areas such as communication, leadership and business acumen is now essential within many professions. Recruiters know this and are looking for professionals who possess the right combination of technical and nontechnical skills to meet their clients’ needs.
When meeting with recruiters, let your personality come through. A major part of hiring is ensuring a job seeker will fit in with the team and organization. A recruiter will assess the type of culture where you’ll fit best to find a position where you can thrive.
A recruiter can be a trusted resource throughout your career. Even after finding you a job, a recruiter can continue providing market insights and serve as a sounding board. Maintaining a strong business relationship with your recruiter will also give you a head start the next time you’re ready to make a move.

5 steps to staffing right

Demand for your business is growing. To keep up, you need to make sure you aren't short-staffed while also taking care not to overhire.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to gauge just how many employees you need. Here are five steps that can help with the process:
1. Look at the big picture
Make sure you're tuned in to your company's overall business plans. Is your company planning to expand or change any competitive strategies? Even activities that don't involve your team now may require your support further down the road. When in doubt, ask plenty of questions so you aren't caught off-guard later.
2. Look at the small picture
What are the priorities for the department or its subgroups? Take a good look at what's ahead and compare those projects with your personnel resources. Can your team realistically complete everything on the to-do list?
While you may need to ask your staff to work some overtime, this shouldn't be your long-term plan for handling growing workloads. If people work extra hours with no relief in sight, you not only risk burnout but also the resignations of valued employees. Skilled professionals always have employment options, and they won't wait around for you to hire appropriately.
3. Be honest about your employees
Next, write down the individual strengths of your team members. Do they have the necessary expertise for upcoming projects? If not, can they be brought up to speed through training in time to address new initiatives?
Recognize, too, that just because you have the right skills in your group, it doesn't necessarily mean those skills are accessible. For instance, you may have an excellent technical writer on staff, but if that person is already booked with projects for the foreseeable future, he may not be able to help with documentation for a new product.
4. Mix it up correctly
Once you've determined your needs, it's time to figure out the right balance of full-time and temporary staff that you'll require to tackle them. List initiatives that will increase the need for personnel resources for a short time and those you expect to be long-term.
For example, you might note that your team will be particularly busy over the next three months while preparing for the introduction of a new software application. However, once the application is in place and they are comfortable using it, those demands should decline.
In situations where there are peaks and valleys in the workload, it may be best to consider the use of temporary employees. They can provide the flexibility and extra support needed only during busy times. However, if demands appear consistent throughout the year and you don't have sufficient staff on hand, that's a good indicator it's time to hire full-time employees.
5. Make a list of what's essential
Before you begin recruiting, establish clear hiring criteria. What skills are critical to performing the job successfully?
Be careful not to blur your "wish" and "must-have" lists. You may prefer to add a person who has an advanced degree, but would you be willing to overlook this requirement for the right experience? If you narrow your expectations too far, you may overlook candidates who are the best fit for your openings. In fact, when hiring conditions are competitive, you may not find anyone who fits all of your dream qualifications.
Staffing appropriately can be critical to giving your company a competitive edge. If you hire too many employees, you'll cut into profit margins. Assemble the right mix of full-time and temporary staff, and you'll be in a good position to help with changing business plans and demands. Taking the time now to assess your upcoming needs and get ready will help ensure you're leading a group that's well-prepared for whatever may come your way.

Why Workers -- And Employers -- Need A 4-Day Work Week

It's still a rare benefit, but it could solve lots of problems in corporate America.

By RichardEisenberg

After Labor Day, I have a suggestion for America's employers that I think would make their employees happier and more productive: Offer them a four-day workweek.

Giving staffers one weekday off would be especially appealing to the biggest chunk of the American labor force – boomers.

Many of them could use the free day to take their parents to doctor's appointments or handle other eldercare duties, spend time with their grandkids, learn new skills and transition into retirement. Four-day workweeks can also let them cut their commutes.

4-Day Weeks' Pay and Benefits
If you put in 40 hours during your four days, you generally get full pay and benefits. You might even keep your benefits by working 30 to 40 hours, though you'll likely take a proportional pay cut.

No matter how you structure a four-day workweek, though, your job needs to get done – either by you or by you and someone working the fifth day.

Compressed workweeks – the delightful term human resources people use for putting in 40 hours in fewer than five days – are "a great way to provide employees the flexibility to meet the demands of work and life outside of work," says Lisa Horn, co-leader of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Workplace Flexibility Initiative and partnership with the Families and Work Institute.

"A four-day workweek allows you to continue to contribute on the job while gaining the time to pursue a long-neglected avocation, to help care for the grandchildren or to simply enjoy the other parts of life," says Cali Williams Yost, chief executive and founder of Flex+Strategy Groupin Madison, N.J.

Brooke Dixon, co-founder and chief executive of, a site that matches job-seekers with employers, says "well above half our users are looking for something other than a traditional workweek."

Jay Love, the former chief executive of Indianapolis search engine optimization consultant Slingshot SEO, which has a four-day workweek told Inc. that this employee perk "is an amazing draw in the age of recruiting the best talent to your team" and leads to soaring retention rates.

What Makes 4-Day Workweeks Rare?
So why are employers with four-day workweeks so hard to find in America, especially when there seems to be such a demand for this benefit? (Never mind that the average workweek is far shorter than 40 hours in many parts of the world: 29 hours in the Netherlands and 33 hours in Norway and Denmark, for example. And don't get me started on best-selling author Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Workweek notion.)

Today, harried five-day-a-week workers must routinely, and sometimes furtively, scoot out for doctor's appointments, errands and elder care duties for their parents – and they're doing so more often. Employers often don't like it when staffers head out for these reasons.

According to the Captivate Network's recent Homing From Work survey of 4,000 white collar workers, 45 percent leave work for doctor and dentist appointments and 52 percent go out to buy gifts, greeting cards and flowers. There's been a 31 percent increase in running errands since 2011, the study says.

Yet just 36 percent of employers permit at least some employees to have four-day workweeks, says Ellen Galinsky, president and co-founder of the Families and Work Institute. Only 7 percent allow all or most staffers to do their jobs this way.

"I don't believe the majority of workplaces are supportive of four-day workweeks," says Jessica DeGroot, founder of the Third Path Institute, a Philadelphia-based group that aims to help employees lead "integrated" lives.

Why employers oppose 4-day workweeks
1. Strong organizational norms on who gets ahead at work. DeGroot says managers tend to promote staffers who "put work first," which typically means showing up every weekday.

2. Four-day workweeks add complexity to managers' jobs. "It's much easier to say to everyone, 'Come in at the same time every day and work long hours,'" she says.

"Often, it isn't that employers don't want to offer four-day workweeks, it's that they're not sure what's in it for them," Horn says.

Of course, some types of jobs or workplaces don't easily lend themselves to four-day workweeks. And some employers must pay hourly staffers overtime if they put in more than eight hours a day to get the fifth day off.

Where the Perk Exists
That said, progressive employers in a variety of fields let all or a portion of their staffers work four days a week. (Technology and accounting firms seem to be leading the way.)

Everyone gets a four-day week year-round at tech educator Treehouse Island, in Orlando, Fla., and at Slingshot SEO. Chicago software company 37signals has 32-hour, four-day shifts from May through October.

When Work Works, a book published by the Families and Work Institute and SHRM, describes dozens of employers offering four-day workweeks and other types of flexible schedules.

Some enterprising employees, including ones at senior levels, manage to pull off their own four-day schedules.

Ivan Axelrod, chief operating officer for Provident Financial Management in Santa Monica, Calif., four years ago began taking Mondays off to provide child care for his granddaughter Madelyn, allowing her mom to work those days.

"Finding ways to interact with children and grandchildren just has a reward you can't get out of work," Axelrod told ThirdPath. He now provides caregiving for a grandson each week, too.

Different Ways They're Offered
Four-day workweeks can be done in many ways, with varying hours. For example, the 5-4/9 arrangement lets staffers alternate between weeks of five nine-hour days and ones with four nine-hour days, so you get a day off every other week.

Pat Katepoo, the Kaneohe, Hawaii-based head of Work Options, a firm that helps employees negotiate flexible work arrangements, thinks boomers might especially like working a somewhat kinder version of that: eight-hour days with every other Friday off, even if doing so means taking a small pay cut.

"That's a good, creative option for this age group," Katepoo says."They can enjoy longer weekends 26 times a year and with Monday federal holidays, get some four-day weekends. That would let them shoot up to Cape Cod or drive three states over to see their grandkids."

The Trouble With One Method
But I'm not keen on what's known as the 4/10 model, especially for boomers, even though it's the most widely used compressed workweek schedule.

This one requires employees to punch 10-hour days on each of their four workdays. But you can wind up so pooped after continually clocking in for 10 hours that you'll lack the stamina to make your fifth day enjoyable and productive.

"I'm 52 and I don't have the energy I had when I was 22," DeGroot says. "With a 4/10 schedule, I'd need the other day to recover and that defeats the whole purpose of a four-day workweek."

5 Sales Skills Everyone Needs in the Workplace

When it comes down to it, finding a job is all about being able to sell the hiring organization on your skills and accomplishments. Once you convince them that they need you to solve their problems; you are golden. However, many don't consider how important sales skills may be within the job, too. Whether or not you are actually selling a product or service, you'll probably need to sell an idea to your manager, showcase a new initiative to your colleagues or convince your superiors that you deserve a raise or a promotion. All of these involve sales skills.
Russell Sachs, vice president of sales at Work Market, suggests that the following five sales skills are important for every job. Hone these to enhance your opportunities at work:
Listen first. Think about the people you enjoy being around. It's likely one of their personality traits is being a good listener. Sachs notes: "When it comes to workplace effectiveness, if you don't take the time to listen to your boss and colleagues before you tackle the challenge or problem, you will potentially miss the underlying areas of concern." When you fail to listen first, you may lose the opportunity to create a solution that appropriately addresses the expected outcome.
Build your network. You know sales people need to constantly consider their networks. Unfortunately, many careerists ignore this key aspect of their job because maintaining a network isn't always top-of-mind for non-sales professionals. Be proactive at work and build relationships before you need to rely on them to help you accomplish a work goal or land a promotion. Don't forget to build a network of people who know, like and trust you both inside and outside of your workplace. When it comes time to land a new job, you'll rely on those outside contacts to help you successfully navigate to a new role.
Sachs suggests you consider trade shows, industry events and meetups an important part of your professional development.
Be diligent. We know that sales people need to be tenacious and keep up with their prospects in order to be top-of-mind. This skill is equally valuable for anyone in the workforce. "Showing up on time for meetings (or even a few minutes early), being prepared for the task at hand, knowing your business inside and out and bringing new ideas will set you apart from your peers," Sachs says.
It's a point well taken. Everyone knows someone at work who's just getting by, doing the minimum necessary to keep the paychecks coming. However, just as someone is unlikely to buy a product or service from someone who does not impress them, if you don't go the extra mile at work, you'll lose out on opportunities to advance.
Communicate effectively. Communication is probably the most important workplace skill. Whether you're communicating in person, on the phone or via text, email or social media, it's crucial to demonstrate that you have a command of the situation and can present effective solutions. Sachs suggests speaking slowly and confidently to help deliver your points with passion and enthusiasm. He reminds professionals to double check their writing for confidence-killing grammar and spelling errors. You may be surprised by how important these small steps can be when it comes to winning at work.
Maintain your personal brand. We don't have much more than our reputations when it comes to getting ahead. People want to buy from those they believe to be trustworthy and knowledgeable and from companies that offer high quality and innovation. Sachs notes: "The same is true when it comes to the workplace – your colleagues and superiors will give you more responsibility if they view you as someone they can count on, especially if you establish yourself as a credible authority." How can you enhance your reputation? Maintain a professional social media stream, be a good listener, work diligently, grow your professional network and communicate clearly, correctly and confidently. When you combine all of these tips, you'll be well prepared to meet any challenge at work.

The Worst Things About Working At Facebook

Employees reveal a litany of complaints.

Facebook has often been regarded as one of the best places to work in the tech industry. After all, their interns make $25,000 more than the average citizen. And famously, employees on Glassdoor voted Facebook the No.1 best company to work for overall.

Not bad, right?

Wrong, according to some Facebook employees, both past and present, in an open thread on Quora.

Various engineers, software developers, and anonymous sources from Facebook's front lines divulge the details about the worst things about working for the social network.

From the lack of office professionalism (tasked to fold the boss's laundry?) to complaints of Mark Zuckerberg's "holier than thou" attitude, we've rounded up some of the most interesting details. To be clear, we're not saying these complaints represent the average experience. These are just the opinions of a small number of individuals. Every large company has its detractors, including Facebook. Here's what they have to say.

"For six weeks out of the year, I'm on 24/7 on-call duty."
During on-call duty, engineers are responsible for keeping the service up and running, come what may. "For those weeks I don't leave town on the weekend; make especially sure not to have 'one too many' at any social gatherings I attend; and most importantly, carry and immediately respond to a charged phone where I can be reached 24/7, including leaving the ringer on on the nightstand as I sleep." - Keith Adams, Facebook engineer.

"The wall does not exist at Facebook."
"At most companies, you put up a wall between a work personality and a personal one, which ends up with a professional workspace," says a Facebook engineer who chose to remain anonymous on Quora. Because the culture of Facebook implicitly encourages employees to "be themselves," the company lacks the "professionalism" found at other firms, the engineer says.

"There is not a truly functional infrastructure."
Employees say that trying to figure out how to do cool things with a team of 4,000 people is much harder than doing them with a team of 500.

"We're growing so fast and have never emphasized organization, polish, or stability."

"Don't complain to me about Facebook just because I work at Facebook."
The spouse of a former Facebook employee said that her husband was the recipient of many complaints about the site from friends and family, just because he was employed by the company.
"As a Facebook spouse, I was often asked for help on how to use the privacy settings solely on the basis that, being married to someone who works at Facebook, I must know."

"The complete lack of focus on my team."
"On the last day of my internship, the team decided that it was not worth completely rewriting the project," a former Facebook intern admitted on Quora, after spending all of his time at the company redesigning and coding said project.

"If a more clear vision of the future of the product had been communicated to the team, I think I could have made many improvements to it, and impacted the company in a more positive way."

"You won't be making millions or building a new exciting company of your own."
Just because you're working for a cool company still means you're working. In this case, you're working to fulfill someone else's dream.

"It was probably my worst professional experience to date."
"As a contractor and back fill for someone on maternity leave, I was temporarily assigned [as an admin] with very little guidance or support, serving two of the worst leaders I've ever interacted with," claimed an anonymous former employee of the social network giant.

"I was asked to complete really inappropriate tasks."
One anonymous former employee of Facebook confessed, "The team treated me like garbage and I was asked to [do] really inappropriate tasks (i.e. separating the director's laundry complete with his wife's dirty undies still attached)."

"Instructions were not clear, everything was a guessing game, and I was immediately set up to fail."
After being put on a rigorous 10-day performance plan, one former employee said his team didn't even bother to give him feedback.

"At that point, I quit on the spot."

"Knowing that you are part of an overhyped public company."
Facebook, which was "supposed to be valued at over $200 billion by now, had a dismal public offering that left many employees feeling totally helpless as they saw the value of their stock collapse," an anonymous source wrote on Quora.

"Zuck and Sheryl imposing a 'holier than thou' attitude."
Referring to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg, a Facebook employee complains that the two spend way too much time on "extracurricular activities" (hint: "Lean In") and copying off the competition (i.e., Poke, which bears a resemblance to Snapchat).

"We're looking too hard at Google."
Though he doesn't work at Facebook, this Quora user chimed in to say he is often invited to Facebook's tech talks, where he finds "no WOW factor."

"A lot of times Facebook seems to be looking too hard at Google rather than focusing on their core strengths and mission."

"Forget the free food and drinks - the workplace is awful."
"When you have huge rooms filled with rows and rows of picnic style tables with people sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with six inches of separation and zero privacy, I am sorry.... That's how you keep cattle in the pen, not high quality talent earning low to mid six figures."

"I've seen decisions being made by interns."
Philip Su, a software engineer at Facebook, published "Ten Things I Hate About Working At Facebook" on his personal blog last year in a tongue-in-cheek attempt to write about the things that separate Facebook from so many other companies.

"I've seen decisions being made by lone engineers. Or an engineer and a designer over lunch. Or by interns," he writes. "All without telling their managers, even. This sort of autonomous decision-making suggests a complete lack of understanding of how corporations are supposed to work."

Su writes sarcastically (though we can't imagine the above scenario would work in corporations across the board), and his post provides an entertaining look at the inner workings of Facebook culture.

"The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous."
According to one former employee, his colleagues were anything but pleasant company.

"The tone of voice people used was belittling and self-righteous," the ex-employee writes. "I found them snobby, cliquey and frankly, rude."

"The drama."
Of course, Su admits that the politics are ultimately what creates the dynamism and drama that make work worthwhile in any company; Facebook not excluded.

"Without these, it's just code, code, code. Ship, ship, ship. I get tired just thinking about it."

Can your personality get you the job or a promotion?

Manual worker pushing a fork pallet truck stackerSometimes a résumé just doesn’t do you justice. While you may be able to explain your qualifications for the job, it’s hard to put your enthusiasm into bullet points or your passion into a cover letter. How often have you said to yourself, “If I could just get an interview, I know I could make them see I’m right for the job”?
It turns out that employers may be thinking the same thing. In a recent CareerBuilder survey of more than 2,000 hiring managers and human resource professionals across industries nationwide, employers were asked about personality traits and behaviors that would make them favor one person over another for a job or what would make somebody less likely to receive a promotion.
Find out how your personality may affect your chances of getting the job, as well as what role your behavior plays in getting a promotion, and find out if you’ve got the right attitude for your career.

Personality, personal brands and getting the job
When employers are looking to fill a vacant role, they primarily search for candidates who meet the job’s requirements. However, they also want an employee who will be a good addition to their workplace culture, or the type of environment and interactions that the company prefers. This means that your personality may sway your chances of getting the job.
“When you’re looking for a job, the key is selling your personal brand. Employers are not only looking for people who are professionally qualified for the position, but also someone who is going to fit in at the office,” said Rosemary Haefner, vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder.
When surveyed, employers were asked, if they had two equally qualified candidates, which factors would make them more likely to consider one candidate over another. Their responses included:
  • The candidate with the better sense of humor – 27 percent
  • The candidate who is involved in his or her community – 26 percent
  • The candidate who is better dressed – 22 percent
  • The candidate whom I have more in common with – 21 percent
  • The candidate who is more physically fit – 13 percent
  • The candidate who is more on top of current affairs and pop culture – 8 percent
  • The candidate who is more involved in social media – 7 percent
  • The candidate who is knowledgeable about sports – 4 percent
Behaviors that slow down promotions and your career
Personality can continue to influence your career even after you’re hired. “Once you get the job, the process doesn’t simply stop,” Haefner says. “Employers will continuously assess personality, performance and behavior when considering prospects for promotions. You want to treat your current job like an extended interview for the next job you want in the company.”
If you ignore this, your career is likely to suffer. Besides subpar or average performance, there are several other behaviors that employers identified as red flags that can keep employees from promotions, including:
  • Someone who says, “that’s not my job” – 71 percent
  • Someone who is often late – 69 percent
  • Someone who has lied at work – 68 percent
  • Someone who takes credit for other people’s work – 64 percent
  • Someone who often leaves work early – 55 percent
  • Someone who takes liberties with expenses charged back to the company – 55 percent
  • Someone who gossips – 46 percent
  • Someone who doesn’t dress professionally – 35 percent
  • Someone who swears – 30 percent
  • Someone who doesn’t say anything in meetings – 22 percent
  • Someone who cried at work – 9 percent
  • Someone who has dated a co-worker – 8 percent
Also remember, fortune favors the bold: One third (33 percent) of employers said they are more likely to promote an employee who has been vocal about asking for a promotion in the past.
Apply common sense to your career strategy. Employers want a worker who can perform the job well and act as a strong part of the team. That may mean contributing ideas, having a positive attitude, offering to go above and beyond job requirements, showing initiative or demonstrating leadership. All of these positive steps can move your career in the right direction.

Is Your Boss Out To Get You?

Or are you just being paranoid? 11 signs to look for.

caucasian senior businessman - spooky portrait
You don't want to be paranoid, but you're beginning to think your terrible boss has you in his or her cross hairs. Whether or not you always had a great relationship with your supervisor, it's troubling at the least and extremely stressful at the worst when you think your boss may be out to get you. What are some signs that you may want to start looking for a new job?

You lose privileges.
If you've always been able to work from home or come in early and leave late and all of the sudden, things change, you may begin to wonder why you've lost favor. Are you failing at your job? Keep in mind, sometimes, these changes are not personal, but if you are the only one experiencing the shift, you should wonder why.

The boss pits you against your co-workers.
If the office begins to feel a lot like a school playground where your boss is the bully trying to set up fights, it's possible he or she is trying to get rid of you. Keep your cool and maintain your composure to avoid falling into any traps that could result in you losing your job.

You get a transfer to an undesirable location.
If your one hour commute just doubled because you were assigned to a new location, it's possible your boss wishes you'd quit.

You receive a new set of duties that are beneath your skill set and experience.
This could signal that your boss is picking on you if no one else is seeing a change in their work plans.

The boss looks the other way when co-workers are abusive or mistreat you.
Bullying in the workplace should never be tolerated or accepted. If you don't have your boss' support and are experiencing this behavior, it's time to learn about the chain of command and understand your rights in the organization.

It's difficult for you to take vacation or sick leave.
If the boss won't approve your vacation so you can attend a family member's wedding, and there's no business reason for the refusal, you may begin to wonder if the boss has it in for you.

You can't get permission for professional development.
If your company allows you to take classes or attend conferences, but you can not get permission to improve your skills on the company's dime, it's not a good sign.

All of the sudden your boss becomes a micromanager.
This isn't a surefire sign that anyone is out to get you, but it is suspicious. Find out if there is something afoot that would cause your boss to suddenly take an interest in the minutiae of your daily workday, and be concerned if others are not experiencing this change.

The boss doesn't take your calls and isn't accessible.
Even if you never had a true open-door policy, if you suddenly can't get an audience with your supervisor unless you accidentally bump into him or her in the rest room, it's reason to question why.

You are excluded from big meetings and decisions.
If you're accustomed to being involved in decisions and all of the sudden, you are the last one to know anything, you may begin to worry about your standing at work.

The best assignments go to others.
This could be a problem if you always won the plumb jobs and now you never do.

Don't be blindsided; when office politics and attitudes shift, you need to keep an eye out for how your standing in the office may be affected and act accordingly. You may want to have a heart-to-heart conversation with your boss to try to improve relations, or it may be time to quietly start looking for a new job.

6 Most Revealing Interview Questions

job interviewer holding resume as she interviews candidateWhen you look for a job, you know that employers evaluate you at every step of the process. They decide if your resume is perfectly aligned to their needs and assess if you demonstrate just the right tone in your cover letter. They'll ask if the receptionist was impressed when you signed in for the interview, and evaluate how quickly your thank you note arrived after the meeting.

Employers study your qualifications and skills to determine if you are a good fit for their needs. Similarly, you should make a point to evaluate them and their organizations during your search. Once you've addressed the questions you need to ask yourself before starting your job search, you'll want to identify a list of good interview questions to ask employers.

Consider posing these questions during networking meetings and interviews to help you learn what you need to know to reveal if the organization is a good fit for you – and to gain information to improve your chances to get the job if the answer is yes:

1. What skills are most important to succeed in this company or this position?

In an informational meeting, this question is exploratory in nature, but if you're in an interview, you'll already know a lot about the job, so you can frame this inquiry based on information you have. For example, "The job description emphasizes team leadership and management skills; do you think those are the most crucial for success in this job?" This alerts the person interviewing you to the fact that you know what they are saying about the job, but it offers him or her the opportunity to detail a more specific vision of the position. You'll be able to focus your comments and follow up based on the answers you hear.

2. What types of people are most successful in this role?

While this question is similar to the skills question, it focuses more on personality traits than specific skills. If the response is, "Someone who is very independent and likes to work alone," and you're more of a team player, you'll know exactly what's in store if you take this job.

3. Who is in charge?

While you won't ask this question so directly, you need to know who is in charge and your direct line of reporting. A good boss can make a job, a bad one can break it. Ideally, in an interview, it will be clear who the boss is, but don't assume the person interviewing you will actually be your supervisor unless you ask. Clarify the reporting structure so you know what to expect if you join the organization.

Consider it a red flag if you are far along into the interview process and you have not met your prospective supervisor. It may mean he or she is too busy to have the time to supervise and mentor you, or it could mean he or she doesn't give a favorable first impression.

4. What are the key goals for the new hire for this position immediately? In the long term?

It's always good to know what's expected so you can hit the ground running. The answer to this question should provide insights regarding skills necessary to do the job, which is great fodder for thank you notes after the interview. You may also learn if the position represents a shift in the company's strategy or if it's "business as usual" and that you'd be expected to follow the path already created.

5. A question that indicates you've done research prior to the interview.

Always ask a question that gives you a chance to feature your research about the organization. This makes it clear to the interviewer that you are serious about the job, and it may give you a leg up on all the candidates who just showed up without any planning or research. For example, "I was reading your recent press releases, and I noticed you're launching a lot of products geared toward Generation Y. Is this a strategy you anticipate continuing in the future?" A follow-up response could elaborate on why you are well qualified to address that target market.

6. Tell me about your experiences here?

It's always a good idea to encourage your interviewer to talk about him or herself. Most people enjoy the opportunity to share their own stories, and if you are a good listener, you can leave the interviewer with a positive feeling about you. On the other hand, make sure you don't start yawning if the stories go on a little too long!

Work wear decoded How to dress for any professional situation

what to wear
By Robert Half International

“What to wear?” It’s a question you’ve probably asked yourself a million times — and one that takes on heightened significance when dressing for a professional setting.
Robert Half recently asked senior managers if clothing choices affect a worker’s chances of earning a promotion. Eighty percent of executives said yes. But that hasn’t stopped professionals from making fashion mistakes. Respondents also provided hilarious examples of office outfits that missed the mark. Among the wackiest gear employers have seen: pajamas, studs and motorcycle gear, a bathing suit, and even a dinosaur costume. And, no, none of these odd outfits was worn in observance of Halloween.
While it may be tempting to dress down in today’s workplace, clothing that’s too casual or revealing can keep you from getting hired or receiving a raise or promotion. Even “tamer” fashion faux pas, such as wearing torn jeans, low-cut shirts or flip-flops, can cost you points with the boss.

Here’s how to structure your professional wardrobe for a variety of situations:

1. How to dress for a job interview
With only one chance to make a good first impression, best stick to classic business attire when meeting a potential employer. For a corporate position at, say, a financial institution, a clean, well-fitting suit is the safest choice. If you’re applying for a job with a less-traditional company, such as a startup, you may be able to lose the tie and go for a collared shirt and khaki pants or a skirt instead.
Keep in mind that it’s difficult to overdress for an interview. As long as you don’t show up in a tux, you’re pretty much OK. On the other hand, appearing overly casual can lead a hiring manager to believe you don’t take the opportunity seriously, which could cost you the job. So, when in doubt, err on the conservative side.

2. How to dress for your first day of work
Dressing for a new job can be challenging, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the company’s policies around workplace wear. As such, it’s always a good idea to ask about the dress code ahead of time.
If your new employer doesn’t have any formal fashion guidelines in place, picture what the hiring manager wore at your interview and try and emulate his style. Or choose an outfit similar to the one you wore to the meeting. In general, it’s better to be overdressed than underdressed; you can always adjust your style on Day Two.

3. How to dress for casual Friday
When it comes to work-appropriate wear, the term casual can be misleading. No matter what day of the week your team has decided to collectively dress down, don’t make it an excuse to be lazy.
Always keep in mind what your clothes say about you. Sweats, for instance, should be reserved for the gym or for lounging at home; ditto for too-tight yoga pants and T-shirts you’d normally wear to bed. While jeans in place of slacks or dress pants may fit the parameters of your office’s casual code, they should still appear professional in both fit and style.

4. How to dress for changes in the weather
As temperatures rise, hemlines tend to get shorter. However, there are very few office jobs where showing a lot of skin — no matter the season — is a good professional move.
During the summer, opt for lightweight slacks and dresses or skirts that hit within an inch-and-a-half of the knee. If the heat is unbearable, consider opening a window, asking your office manager to turn on the A/C or pointing a desk fan at yourself.
When the weather cools, similar rules apply. Keep your style professional and conservative, and don’t let the need to bundle up become an excuse for dressing too casually. Layers you can shed once you get to the office are a great option. If you must wear boots to wade through sleet and slow, be sure to bring office-worthy shoes to change into (or keep a pair at your desk).

5. How to dress when you want to stand out
If blending into the crowd isn’t your style outside the office, you may be tempted to differentiate yourself in a similar way at work. Rules around slogan-bearing shirts, visible tattoos and piercings differ from company to company, so make sure you’re up-to-speed on the finer points of your employer’s dress policy. No matter the guidelines, don’t go overboard. You can often still get your point across with small touches, such as an interesting button or pin, cool earrings or wacky socks.
While these tips can help you make better decisions around your work attire, every office has its own set of rules when it comes to what is and isn’t kosher. When in doubt, go for more conservative clothing or ask your employer to clarify the dress code for you. Finally, before you head out the door in the morning, remember: If you need to ask yourself whether your outfit is work-appropriate, it probably isn’t.

4 Ways Google+ Can Help You Land a Job

Yes, it's time to master this social network.

Business Team Concept Stick Figures
Perhaps you are skeptical about how social media use can improve your chances to land a new job. After all, the traditional media never hesitate to showcase people who make mistakes using Facebook and Twitter, causing them to lose their employment. It's likely you've barely even heard of Google+; what can this network possibly offer job seekers?

In a nutshell: a lot. The caveat? You need to know a thing or two about Google+ to make the most it. To get started on the right foot and break out of your job search rut, keep in mind these four things all social media tools offer job seekers and the ways Google+ helps accomplish them:

1. The opportunity to demonstrate expertise.
If you and the people you work with are the only ones who know how great you are at your job, it will be difficult to land a new opportunity down the road. Luckily, Google+, offers a platform to demonstrate what you know for people who do not already know you.

Make the most of Google+ by posting updates that highlight your expertise. Are you a health insurance expert? Post links with news about how new regulations affect your industry and include your comments. Does your expertise include fashion or interior design? Create a stream of information and photos in your Google+ profile showing that you are up-to-date about what's fashionable and what is passe. Include pictures and commentary to illustrate what you know.

When you use Google+ to post public updates, Google indexes your expertise, and you have a chance for your posts to appear as search results for other people's queries about the topics you include in your updates.

2. The chance to expand your network.
Have you ever wanted to connect with someone, but you couldn't access an introduction? Perhaps you considered cold calling the contact, but didn't feel confident you could actually connect? Using Google+, you can contact people you don't already know on line and communicate directly with them with no barriers to entry.

It's as easy as finding the target person on Google+ (use the search bar at the top to discover if he or she is using the social network) and using his or her name in an update. To make sure you have the best chance to win someone's attention, either use a + or an @ symbol before his or her name.

For example, if you want John Smith to notice you, you can add him to your Google+ circles (the equivalent of your friends on Facebook) and follow what he posts. When you want to get his attention, comment on his posts or repost something he shared and use his name, "+JohnSmith" in your post. Doing so will trigger a notification for John that you mentioned him.

Depending on the nature of your online conversations, you can easily impress John or other contacts and grow your network of people who know, like and trust you – and who may be willing to refer you for a job opportunity or for an informational meeting.

3. Opportunities to learn information that could make you more marketable.
Google+ can offer a great source of information you'd otherwise never know. Google+ Communities is one go-to resource in this network. Find it via the dropdown menu on your Google+ page; there are communities for just about any topic you can imagine. Search for people who post content and links that interest you and get ready to learn new things. When you find a strong community of people, these communities can be of a goldmine of information at your fingertips.

When you make a point to follow up and review even a small percentage of the information available, you'll be better informed and able to respond intelligently to interview questions and in networking conversations.

4. Be found: reverse the job search process from "push" to "pull."
One of the most important things Google+ can help you accomplish is to improve the likelihood that someone will find you when they Google your name or your expertise. How amazing would it be if someone were to Google "XYZ expert," and your Google+ content came up as the top results? It can happen, if you use Google+ strategically and create content online to support your expertise for your keywords.

Another factor in being found: Google's "search plus your world." You may have noticed, when you Google information while signed into your Gmail or other Google account, results you see come from people you know more often than not. The reason for this is that Google realizes that you are connected to these content creators and assumes their information is relevant for you. Similarly, when you have a robust Google+ profile and encourage people to add you to their circles, when they search online, your content is more likely to come up.

Wouldn't it be great if you can capture the attention of recruiters or other influencers in your field because Google delivers your information in response to questions they pose in Google? This is a way to attract job opportunities to you, instead of you always having to apply for jobs,which you can't beat when you're on the prowl for a new gig.

How informational interviews can help your career

One of the most effective tools in your job search is the informational interview. These meetings provide you with an opportunity to build your network of professional contacts, learn more about career paths that interest you and, ultimately, enhance your employment prospects. 
Although they're not meant to elicit job offers, these discussions offer exposure to people who are in a hiring position or can recommend you to colleagues. As a result, it's critical to approach informational interviews the right way. 

Here are some tips to remember:
Reach out appropriately
Email or call the person you hope to interview with a concise explanation of who you are, why you're contacting him and what you hope to gain from the meeting. Be clear that you are seeking information only -- not a job -- and ask for 30 minutes of time at most.
Because it's often hard to get the attention of someone you've never met, a referral from a mutual friend can help in setting up an informational interview.
Come with clear goals
Unlike a job interview, where a hiring manager would lead the discussion, you are the one responsible for setting up this meeting and driving the conversation. So, make sure you know what you want to gain from the discussion. Are you considering a switch to a management track and interested in what steps a person working in that role took in her career? Do you want to transition to a new information technology specialty and garner inside tips for working in that area? 
If you start the meeting with no objective, your contact will be inclined to cut the discussion short, so be sure to have targeted questions ready. For instance, if you are seeking advice on becoming a consultant, you might ask how the person got his start consulting or about the biggest challenges he has faced as a project professional.
Do your homework
Make sure you are knowledgeable about your contact before you meet. You should have at least a general understanding of the person's professional history and background on her employer. This will allow you to ask relevant questions and solicit appropriate assistance. 
It's also likely you'll be asked about your own background and career interests, so be ready to talk about your goals and accomplishments.        
Remember to listen
Have a sincere interest in what your contact has to say. The person is likely to offer more advice -- and more in-depth advice -- if he or she knows you are invested in the conversation. Even if his suggestions aren't what you wanted or expected to hear, respect the guidance given to you. Taking notes can help demonstrate your interest and help refresh your memory of the conversation later.
Don't ask for a job
While your ultimate objective may be to find a new job, you should never ask for one at an informational interview. The goal of the meeting is to build your knowledge about a particular topic. The person may feel deceived if you don't follow through with the intent of the discussion. 
Even if you don't ask for work directly, you could be considered for an available opening or receive a referral to a manager who is hiring if you make the right impression.
Show your gratitude
If you have ever helped a colleague or sent someone a thoughtful gift only to receive no word of thanks, you know how discouraging it can be. The last thing you want to do is make a contact feel unappreciated, so be sure to send a thank-you note within a day or two of the meeting. 
Informational interviews are a useful career strategy. Just be sure to prepare carefully, listen and follow through to create a lasting, positive impression with those you meet.